
U.S. Department of State: We stand with UAE on Houthi attacks

U.S. State Department regional spokesperson Geraldine Griffith on Saturday affirmed her country’s support for the United Arab Emirates in countering Houthi attacks.

Geraldine Griffith said that the US is committed to maintaining a close security partnership with countries in the region.

The US State Department’s regional spokesperson added that the administration of President Joe Biden attaches great importance to limiting Houthi attacks on neighboring countries, explaining: “We are examining the possibility of returning the Houthis to the list of terrorist organizations, and the United States continues to seek to hold them accountable for their actions, in conjunction with security and diplomatic efforts, and to work to strengthen the capabilities of our partners to defend themselves against attacks targeting them”.
Griffith noted U.S. concern about the Houthi escalation, stressing America’s concern to stem the flow of arms from Iran to the Houthis.

Regarding Washington’s evaluation of the role played by Abu Dhabi and Riyadh in the Yemeni file, Griffith said: “We appreciate the efforts of the UAE and Saudi Arabia to bring the Yemeni parties together”, she said. There is an international consensus on the need to end the war in the Yemen. The international envoy in charge of this issue is touring to discuss options with allies and to make room for dialog between the Yemeni parties, because we still believe that the solution in this country must be political.

She stressed America’s seriousness in dealing with the Yemeni issue, clarifying: “America has subjected Houthi leaders to sanctions for their actions against civilians and targeting neighboring countries. We will not hesitate to use the tools of economic, political and other pressure to deter any attempts to prolong the Yemeni crisis”.

“Iran’s interference is undermining security and stability in the region”, she said, ruling out the possibility that the Iranian regime will gain from supporting the Houthis and inciting them to launch attacks, or any positive outcome affecting the Geneva negotiations on its nuclear file.
Griffith continued: “What matters for us in the ongoing negotiations in Vienna is preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and stopping the regime in Tehran from interfering in the region’s affairs”.

International condemnation

The UN Security Council on Friday condemned “in the strongest terms” the heinous terrorist attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen on facilities in the UAE, in a statement issued unanimously, diplomats said.

The Security Council statement said: “We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, which constitutes a threat to international peace and security”.
The statement added: “Any terrorist acts are criminal and unjustifiable”.
The UN Security Council stressed the need to hold the perpetrators of these terrorist acts accountable and bring them to justice.
In the statement, the UN Security Council expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the Houthi attacks and to the governments of India and Pakistan.

The Security Council called on all States to act by all means to confront criminal acts and urged States, in accordance with their obligations, to cooperate with the United Arab Emirates to punish the perpetrators.

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