
UAE announces new weekly work system 4.5-day

As part of the UAE’s record in many fields, it has increased its weekly rest hours to 60 hours.

The UAE is keen to provide a suitable work environment, making it the best Arab country in attracting investment and business activities. The World Bank’s 2020 Business Report ranked the UAE first in the Middle East and one of the top 10 countries in the world.

According to MENA, the UAE is scheduled to begin work on Saturday on a 4.5 day work schedule after adding Sunday to the weekend, as is the practice in the Western world, making the UAE the first country in the world to shorten its work week from 5 days to 4.5 days.

The UAE government’s official statement said the talks are about a step that would better adapt the financial sector to international transactions. On Sunday, the international business world is operating at a low rate, and stock exchanges around the world are closed, as are offices and companies.

The decision was taken three weeks ago and will be applied in all public sectors, except for the educational system and universities. According to the official news agency, all public sector workers must move to the short work week, but contractors that provide services to the public sector (for example, cleaning) are not obliged to shorten the days of the week.

Under the decision, Friday will be turned into half-day work, until noon hours, and Muslim workers will have the possibility to leave early or work the same day from home, so that they can perform Friday prayers.

The economic aspect of the decision means the closure of official institutions, including the country’s central bank, and key activity sites on Sundays.

Abu Dhabi and Dubai announced that they will also sponsor local administration employees. In contrast, Charjah, the third largest city in the UAE, announced that it will transform Friday into a full day of rest; This means moving up to four working days, with the possibility of working partially on Sundays to meet the general public’s needs.

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