Arabian Gulf

UAE condemns terrorist attack in Burkina Faso: “heinous crime”

The United Arab Emirates on Friday strongly condemned the terrorist attack that targeted the Sahel region in northern Burkina Faso and killed dozens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expressed the UAE’s strong condemnation of these criminal acts and its permanent rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilizing security and stability and contrary to humanitarian values and principles.

It extended its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims of this heinous crime and wished a speedy recovery to all the injured.

“On Wednesday, 80 people were killed, including 15 soldiers, in an attack 25 kilometers from Gurgade in the border region of Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.”

Burkina Faso, particularly its northern and eastern regions, has faced terrorist attacks since 2015 that have left more than 1500 people dead and forced nearly 1.5 million people to flee their homes.

Since 2018, the frequency of improvised explosive device attacks has increased, killing more than 200 civilians and military personnel.

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