Arabian Gulf

UAE ranks first worldwide in access to electricity and ease of procedures

The United Arab Emirates has gained leading positions in international competitiveness indicators for the energy sector in general and clean energy in particular, after 7 international references agreed to rank it among the 10 countries in the world in 18 indicators for the sector in 2020. Data documented by the Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics show that the World Bank placed the UAE first on the global competition list for “access to electricity” in its last periodic report on ease of doing business in 2020. The Legatum Institute also ranked the UAE first in the world in terms of population access to electricity and its procedural ease, as well as in the reliability of the supply system, 6 in water production and 10 in electricity production. The UAE’s (INSEAD) College Competition Report 2020 ranked the UAE 8 in the production of electricity and 10th in the sewage sector. The Social Progress Imperative ranked the country first in the world on the Electricity Population Access Index and second in the use of clean fuel in cooking. It is the same leading position that the state has held for several years in the reports of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The statistics, monitored by the Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics, document energy sector competitiveness indicators and were issued by the World Economic Forum in 2020. The UAE ranked second in the world in terms of population access to electricity. The International Institute for Management Development’s Annual Book on Global Competitiveness has ranked the UAE first in terms of water intensity, seventh in gasoline prices and fourth in gross domestic energy production relative to population.

This consensus among international institutions specializing in competitiveness, on the inclusion of the United Arab Emirates in the list of the top 10 in the efficiency of the energy sector, represents a global recognition of the efficiency of the comprehensive development strategy adopted by the Emirates early on and promoted by diversifying resources and strengthening infrastructure, leading in the production of clean energy and leading to a green economy.

These international certificates culminated in the UAE’s first-ever list of clean energy competitiveness lists. Over the past few years, the state’s success in producing electricity from nuclear energy through the UAE’s Peaceful Program. On April 6th, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation announced the start of commercial operation of the “Barakah” APR1400 for peaceful nuclear energy, according to a program that includes four stations in the system, the first of its kind in the Middle East. The commercial inauguration of Barakah 1 marks the culmination of a program that was established in 2012 and has continued institutionally to become one of the world’s largest peaceful nuclear energy projects. The historic project of the UAE’s peaceful nuclear program adopted a catalytic approach to training and honoring initiatives that help rationalize energy, improve its efficiency and develop alternative sources to reduce the effects of climate change. The agreement of international energy competitiveness indicators on the UAE’s membership in the G-10 Club, and the recent launch of nuclear power production, are documents of the success of Emirates Vision 2021, and a close foundation of Vision 2071 at the beginning of the second half of the country.

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Maali Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al-Mazroui, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, said: The UAE’s achievement in global leadership positions in the energy sector competitiveness indicators in general, and clean energy in particular, is a qualitative achievement added to the record of ambitious achievements of the next 50 years of excellence, which were achieved despite the exceptional and emergency circumstances that accompanied 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic which the entire world is suffering from, a challenge that the UAE has turned into a major opportunity in its development and future outlook.

The progress made in this vital sector thanks to the agreement of 7 international referents to classify the Emirates among the 10 major countries of the world in 2020 is an illustration of the exceptional achievements that have enabled to support the future directions, the continuity of transit for the next 50 years of excellence and world leadership, and to reach the percentage 2071, is the fruit of the support of the wise leadership of Son Altec Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyane President of the State “may God protect him”, and his brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the State, Prime Minister and Sovereign of Dubai “may God protect him”, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyane Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Supreme Commander Deputy of the Armed Forces and embodiment of proactive and forward-looking planning for the future of energy and the fight against climate change, which was followed by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, in cooperation with its strategic partners in the “federal and local” government, as well as the private sector, which resulted in the National Energy Strategy 2050, and the United Arab Emirates Water Security Strategy 203 6, which aims to increase the efficiency of individual and institutional consumption by 40%, and to increase the contribution of clean energy in the country’s total energy mix to 50%. Maali explained that the strategy also takes into consideration an annual demand growth of 6% and a reduction in carbon emissions from electricity production by 70% over the next three decades, while the water security strategy aims to ensure the sustainability and continuity of water services, reduce overall water resource demand by 21%, increase water productivity to $110 per cubic meter, decrease water scarcity index by 3 by degrees, and increase the reuse of water to 95%. Maali stressed that the UAE attaches great importance to the diversification of energy sources, as a safe haven to achieve a balance between sustainable development and environmental preservation.

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