
UAE: The use of biological weapons is an attack on humanity

Ambassador Mohammed Bushehab, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations, said that the use of biological weapons under any circumstances is unjustifiable and an attack on all humanity.

Speaking at the Security Council meeting on developments in Ukraine today, he added that the ban on biological weapons is one of the most important achievements of the international community.

We reiterate our call for the use of diplomatic means to alleviate the suffering of civilians.
The debate over the Ukrainian biological program dominated today’s UN Security Council meeting to discuss developments on Ukraine.

The session started with Russian accusations against the United States and Ukraine of conducting biological experiments that threaten the safety of Russia and the entire region, which Washington and Kiev denied.

In his speech, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Security Council Vasily Nebenzya said that biological experiments in Ukraine threaten the safety of Russia and the entire region.
He added that the West had not yet responded to reports of the existence of Ukrainian biological facilities with its support, noting that the Ukrainian biological program had been carried out very quickly under the supervision of the Pentagon, with funding of $32 million.

Linda Thomas Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN Security Council denied the Russian accusations, saying: “Russia insists on presenting conspiracy theories alleging the existence of biological weapons programs in Ukraine”.

In her speech, she added that Moscow had a documented history of the use and development of biological weapons and had already accused other countries of violations it intended to commit.


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