
UAE welcomes extension of truce in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) welcomed on Saturday the announcement by UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg to extend the truce for two months.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the UAE praised the efforts of the United Nations to reach a comprehensive and sustainable political solution and enhance the prospects for peace and stability in Yemen and the region.

It called on all countries to support the establishment of a ceasefire in Yemen and to work to push the parties towards a comprehensive solution.

The United Arab Emirates stressed the pivotal role played by the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in achieving stability and security in Yemen.

It reiterated her commitment to stand by the brotherly Yemeni people and support their legitimate aspirations for development and prosperity, within the framework of its policy of supporting everything that is in the interest of the peoples of the region.

The UN Security Council on Friday welcomed the extension of the truce in Yemen for an additional two months, in accordance with the terms of the basic agreement.

Yesterday, the Security Council stressed the importance of translating the United Nations truce in Yemen until early August into a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive political settlement in Yemen.

Many countries welcomed the extension of the truce in Yemen, calling it a step towards peace that would facilitate the movement and movement of thousands of civilians, something that would impact the daily lives of Yemenis.

“The parties to the conflict in Yemen have agreed to the UN proposal to renew the current truce in Yemen for an additional two months”, UN envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg said earlier.

The conflict in Yemen has been raging since 2014 between the Iran-backed Houthis, who control Sana’a and other areas in the north and west of the country, and government forces backed by the Saudi-led Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen.

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