
UN Security Council: Houthi strike on the port of Dabba threatens International Navigation

The UN Security Council condemned Wednesday evening the Houthi attack on the Yemeni port of Dabba using drones on October 21.

The Houthi attack on the port of Dabba “is a serious threat to the peace process and stability in Yemen”, the council said in a statement posted on its Twitter account by the Irish UN mission.

The council called on the Houthis to immediately cease such attacks and engage in efforts to renew the truce in Yemen.

The Houthi offensive threatens the security and freedom of navigation guaranteed by international law, the council said.

The council said any security escalation would “aggravate the suffering of Yemenis,” pointing to the need for the Houthis to stop such attacks.

The members of the UN Security Council reiterated their support for UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg in his efforts towards a negotiated and comprehensive political settlement led by Yemen on the basis of agreed terms of reference.

This came as the Yemeni cabinet, meeting in the temporary capital of Aden on Wednesday, called on Yemen’s partners in the fight against terrorism, the world’s countries and the international community to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization, ban contacts with it, and dry up its sources of funding.

The cabinet also heard reports about the repercussions of the Houthi terrorist attack on the Dabba oil port in Hadhramaut and the Radoum oil port in Shabwah, the continuing threats of the Houthi terrorist militia, options to deal with them to protect the interests of the Yemeni people, global energy supplies, and international shipping.

The Yemeni cabinet approved a number of resolutions and measures aimed at deterring terrorist threats to the Houthis, and what this requires is a higher state of readiness and readiness for all eventualities, in coordination with the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy and the United Arab Emirates.

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