
Under Jordan’s King Abdullah II leadership.. Great Leap for Jordanian Scientific Research

Jordan’s scientific research made a major leap under King Abdullah II when he worked to develop this field and allocated a large budget to promote various industries. He also linked it to universities and research centers to advance local industries.

Linking scientific research to industry

Since the beginning of his reign, King Abdullah II has been keen to follow the developments of scientific research and his contribution to the industrial leap that Jordan recently witnessed.

According to the Jordanian news agency Petra, King Abdullah has always stressed the need to focus on domestic production inputs, address obstacles to its expansion and work on developing new products.

It continued: King Abdullah seeks to introduce scientific research to develop local industries, increase their markets and open new fields and markets for Jordan abroad.

Developing the innovation environment

According to the news agency, King Abdullah stressed the need to develop the sector and help achieve sustainable development in the kingdom.

The King of Jordan, in cooperation with government representatives, seeks to strengthen the contribution of scientific research to the development of the economy, the advancement of various industrial and commercial fields, and the achievement of a qualitative leap in human development.

King Abdullah instructed his government to prepare human resources in various fields of knowledge to develop scientific research and innovation, and to create an academic environment that supports creativity, excellence, innovation and talent refinement.

According to high-level government sources, the Jordanian monarch is focusing his attention on applied scientific research that is geared towards serving and developing society, building a scientific and technical nucleus capable of developing scientific research and producing technology, strengthening scientific, cultural, technical and technical cooperation in the field of scientific research with Arab and international countries and institutions, and expanding its fields in modern and advanced directions.

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