
Under Jordan’s King Abdullah II leadership – Jordan witnesses economic boom

HM King Abdullah II has sought since the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to liberalize and modernize the economy and improve the standard of living of all Jordanians, including reducing the debt burden, reducing the budget deficit, adopting a liberalizing economic policy, integrating into the world economy, strengthening economic relations with the Arab countries, and fighting unemployment and poverty.

HM the King has focused his attention on the economic situation through development projects, accompanied by progress in sustainable economic and social development to explore new prospects for building the Jordanian state that improves the living standards of citizens.

Under the reign of His Majesty King Abdullah II, Jordan was able to move towards a digital economy, support entrepreneurship, establish an Economic Advisory Council, join the World Trade Organization, computerize and develop education, establish the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, declare it a free zone, and establish information technology centers.

The establishment of the King Abdullah II Fund for Development to reduce the problems of poverty and unemployment, the strengthening of the economic role of Jordanian ambassadors outside the Kingdom in all political, economic and cultural fields, and the launching of the King Abdullah II Project to provide housing for poor families in most governorates and other achievements.

The major development in the area of economic development has brought Jordan to the stage of liberalization of trade and a broader market economy, increased investment and industrial and technological development, the signing of several free trade agreements with a number of countries, increased participatory policy formulation, fiscal sustainability and institutional strengthening.

Under HM King Abdullah, Jordan has introduced new democratic institutions to strengthen the rule of law and the application of justice to all, the most important of which are the Constitutional Court, the Independent Electoral Commission, the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Royal Commission for the Development of the Judiciary and the Promotion of the Rule of Law.

HM the King’s vision for development was reflected in the progress of economic reforms in the Kingdom in various aspects of economic life and the standard of living of citizens, and the Kingdom has taken clear steps in this regard.

HM the King’s vision contributed to highlighting Jordan’s position on the world investment map, promoting investment in Jordan at the Arab and international levels and marketing economic opportunities.

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