Middle east

Violations by the Houthi Rebels against Yemeni Children in front of the Human Rights Council… Here are the details

The terrorist Houthi militias, backed by Iran, continue to commit serious human rights violations against the Yemeni people since their coup against legitimacy in September 2014. These crimes were highlighted by Yemeni human rights activists in Geneva on Friday.

The activists confirmed that the violations have been carried out against various segments of society, including children. They accused the rebel group of recruiting 238 minors since the recent agreements signed with the United Nations to cease the recruitment of underage individuals.

The official Yemeni media stated that the team from the Human Rights and Freedoms League discussed with the Special Procedures Branch of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Antara Seng, the situation of childhood in Yemen amid the continuous violations committed by the Houthi terrorist militias against children, and their failure to comply with the agreements they signed with the United Nations represented by UNICEF regarding the protection of children in armed conflict and preventing their recruitment.

During the meeting held at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, on the sidelines of the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council, the Yemeni human rights team explained that civil society organizations have monitored and documented the recruitment of around 238 children after the agreements signed by the Houthi militias with the United Nations.

According to Saba News Agency, the human rights team discussed the crime of altering the school curriculum in areas under Houthi control, which poses a significant danger to children as it becomes a source of violence against them. The students’ minds are being influenced with the group’s ideology, pushing them towards the battlefields and shaping their personalities towards violence and terrorism.

The Yemeni human rights team also highlighted the planting of mines and explosive devices by the Houthi militias in the form of toys that are difficult to identify, disguised as stones and formations. The majority of the victims of these devices are children.
The UN official in the Human Rights Council, Antara Seng, expressed her understanding of these violations and her concern for the violations suffered by Yemeni children. She stated that she would report these cases to the relevant authorities.

In addition, the Yemeni human rights team briefed Nadine Sahouri, responsible for the Yemen file at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the extensive arrests targeting human rights defenders and civilians, as well as the violations and torture they face in the prisons of the Houthi militias, leading to permanent disabilities for some of them.

Recently, the Yemeni organization Muon for Human Rights warned of the danger posed by these centers to the safety of children. They urged parents to protect their children and not to subject them to these centers.
The organization stated that it has documented systematic recruitment of children, semi-military activities, and sectarian activities during the past year, as well as cases of physical and sexual assaults against them. They called on parents not to expose their children to violations, especially in closed centers.

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