
What are the implications of Syria’s return to its seat in the Arab League?

After 12 years of freezing, Syria has returned to the Arab lap from Cairo with a historic decision par excellence for the Arabs, under great pressures and challenges, not only in the region, but in the whole world, which is witnessing the birth of a new world order.

 Therefore, the decision to return to Syria has many implications and indicators. When it is a unanimous decision and comes without reservation from any country, it definitely reflects the unity of the decision, the soundness of the approach and the strength of the will. It also encourages Syria itself to commit more to what was agreed upon during the preliminary consultations and agreements before the decision was taken by the League of Arab States.

Arab fort

Dr. Tariq Fahmi, professor of International and Political Relations, said: The indications of Syria returning to the Arab fold is that everyone should understand that no solution to any crisis can be found except through the political track, and that the Arab countries have already begun to depend on resolving their crises and taking their decisions based on their interests, and in order to achieve Arab integration, which has become stronger after the Ukrainian war.

“The devastating earthquake in Syria and neighboring Turkey in February 2023 appears to have accelerated the resumption of Damascus’ relationship with its regional environment, he said.”

A new phase

Writer of Arab Affairs, Mohammed Hamada, says: The decision of the return of Damascus enters a new phase of openness and constructive cooperation in Syria. It represents a prelude to the end of the suffering of Syrians as a result of the sanctions, the denial of access to their capabilities and wealth, and the end of the conflict, division and disagreement, so that Syria returns to the Arab embrace as an actor and not only as a party, but also as a return to the course of collective Arab action.

He added that the resolution helps its territorial integrity in light of a centralized regime that is keen on the principle of state sovereignty and facilitates the resolution of Damascus’ internal problems; This decision confirms that political rationality prevailed in the end, and this is clear from the unanimous vote, and it did not come out of nowhere, but it was the fruit of Arab efforts by many Arab countries, the most important of which are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq and Jordan, to prove to the Arab Group that it realized its decisions must be in its own hands, not in others’.

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