
Where will the Brotherhood go?.. What is the fate of the Brotherhood’s leaders and youth in Turkey?

Cairo and Ankara are making great strides towards reconciliation, especially on the Turkish side, which is seeking reconciliation to move away from the isolation of the Middle East after years of isolation for its support of terrorism and terrorist groups on its soil.

Also, in the midst of elections, the political map in Turkey could change, which made the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood fearful.

The group is experiencing major internal struggles over the position of the group’s Supreme Guide. However, the terrorist group’s largest bloc is present in Turkey itself, which is ruled by Erdogan who is affiliated with the terrorist group. In less than a month, however, Erdogan may be in exile with the group itself from Turkey, following elections in which polls indicate that Erdogan lost his policies and support for terrorism, and a devastating earthquake has caused Turkish people to become angry with Erdogan’s government and lose confidence in them.

Egyptian-Turkish rapprochement

In another approach, Cairo is insisting on extraditing some Brotherhood leaders residing in Turkey who are wanted for trial in Egypt. Rapprochement has taken place, but full normalization will have repercussions, including the mass migration of the Brotherhood from Turkey to other countries or the return of Egyptian prisons.

The Muslim Brotherhood had Turkey as its largest and most important refuge, where it witnessed the presence of channels opposing the Egyptian regime and the opening of many other horns, but with the rapprochement the Brotherhood rank in the channels of Turkey was reduced, but there are many terrorist elements who have to choose to a place other than Istanbul.

Istanbul and London will try to deal with different scenarios, as the deportation scenario is closer to reality.

Moving to London.. Just a dataset..

Mustafa Hamza, a researcher specializing in political Islam and extremist groups, said the organization will head to London to rebuild and repair its damaged wall. He said Britain, Switzerland, Canada and Sweden will be the most likely destinations to this end, as they are active in the Arab and Islamic communities there, despite recent restrictions.

Hamza added that the coming years will see the Brotherhood as just a “data group”, and that they will not engage in political struggles or rivalries and plunge into twins in Arab countries, and seek a place in the Middle East to protect them again.

Ibrahim Munir Agenda

Sameh Eid, a researcher specializing in Islamist groups, said the Brotherhood will pursue the agenda prepared by Ibrahim Munir, which is to present the group as a peaceful, missionary group away from politics and power in Arab countries in general, in order to seek their return to the Arab opinion.

Eid added that the youth in the group are the most, and they have a clear mission, far from Europe, to spread the group’s ideas within Africa, in order to form new cadres within the next five years to become qualified to lead the group, given that most of the leaders have become old.

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