
Who is Amin al-Haq, Bin Laden’s Associate Arrested in Pakistan?

It seems that the global reverberations of the terrorist organization ISIS leader Osama bin Laden continue to position him as a symbol of terrorist movements, despite the years since he was targeted in Pakistan. The situation involving Bin Laden‘s associates remains under the world’s scrutiny regarding what the founder and leader of al-Qaeda was doing.

In Pakistan, remnants of Bin Laden‘s network still exist, and the Pakistani authorities have made multiple attempts to curb the spread of violence and extremism in the country. Recently, Pakistan announced that it had detained a close associate of the former al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, who was killed in Pakistan in 2011. So, who is Bin Laden‘s close associate?

Counter-terrorism officials arrested Amin al-Haq in the city of Gujarat in the Punjab province in eastern Pakistan, accusing him of planning sabotage activities and seeking to target significant installations in the country.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Usman Gondal stated that the man’s name is Amin al-Haq and that the Counter-Terrorism Department in the Punjab region arrested him after a year-long pursuit. He clarified that Amin al-Haq was arrested in a town near the city of Jhelum, but it was unclear exactly when the arrest took place.

Gondal added, in a press conference in Lahore, that the arrest thwarted potential attacks planned by Amin al-Haq in the region. Amin al-Haq was listed by the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations as an associate of Bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

Amin al-Haq’s name is included on the UN sanctions list for individuals associated with al-Qaeda. Amin al-Haq, an Afghan, is accused of working as a financier for al-Qaeda and supplying weapons to insurgents. He re-emerged after the withdrawal of Western NATO forces from Afghanistan. He went to Afghanistan in August and began efforts to reorganize al-Qaeda.

In 2001, a US-led international coalition toppled the first Taliban regime after it refused to hand over al-Qaeda officials responsible for the September 11 attacks in the United States.

Bin Laden was later killed in a US operation in Pakistan in 2011 after his whereabouts were tracked. After the September 11 attacks, Pakistan arrested and handed over several senior al-Qaeda leaders to the United States, including Bin Laden‘s associates Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, and Abu Zubaydah.

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