
Who is Omar Mohammed Ahmed Sadiq?

Omar Mohammed Ahmed Sadiq is one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, known for the idea of expelling international organizations operating in humanitarian relief in Sudan. He has served as an ambassador and director of the European and American Affairs Department.

So, who is Omar Mohammed Ahmed Sadiq? 

He is among the special organization cadres, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the diplomatic sector of the dissolved party who were recruited by the Popular Security Commander Ali Karti. In the days leading up to the fall of al-Bashir, he was nominated to be the permanent representative of Sudan to the United Nations.

Omar Sadiq succeeded Ambassador Omar Dihab and worked as the director of the European and American Affairs Department at the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was the architect of campaigns against international resolutions, including UN Security Council resolutions and interventions by the International Criminal Court. He is known for the idea of expelling international organizations involved in humanitarian relief.

He also served as Sudan’s ambassador to several countries, including the United Kingdom and South Africa. During his time in Britain, he actively participated in the international activities of the Muslim Brotherhood until the last meeting when Sudan was chosen to oversee organizational affairs and Ali Gaweesh was appointed.

As an ambassador for Sudan in several countries, including, for example, Britain and South Africa, throughout his tenure in Britain, he was actively involved in the international organizing activities of the Muslim Brotherhood until the last meeting where Sudan was appointed responsible for organizational affairs and Ali Gaweesh was named.

During the period of the ousted regime, he held several positions, including: – Permanent Mission in Geneva, Pakistan, Portugal, the Vatican. _ Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations mission in New York. – Since 2010, he served as the face of the Kizan against the International Criminal Court, advocating for the arrest of al-Bashir.

From 2010-2014, Dafallah El-Haj was the one issuing escalating statements against the United Nations and the international community. – He was appointed ambassador to Paris when Paris was the headquarters of the revolutionary front, and the goal of the National Congress was to appoint one of its strongest men to dismantle and confront that front!

After the coup on October 25, 2021, he was once again appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and began to reintegrate former diplomats affiliated with the dissolved National Congress into service to reorient the foreign ministry in favor of the Islamic Front.

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