Middle east

Why have Islamist Media Outlets turned into Houthi Platforms? 

The terrorist Houthi militias and the Muslim Brotherhood organization have, on many occasions recently, revealed the close relationship and partnership between them, despite both parties attempting to conceal that relationship over the past years.

Days ago, the Islamist channel “Al-Mahriah” hosted the Brotherhood leader Ali Salem Al-Hurayzi, who falsely claims the title of the head of the peaceful sit-in committee for the sons of Al-Mahra. The leader, associated with the Brotherhood, openly expressed strong support for the Houthi militias by praising the coup leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi and endorsing the acts of Iranian elements engaged in piracy and targeting navigation in the Red Sea, according to Yemen News.

Al-Hurayzi’s statements confirm the reality of the Brotherhood‘s orientation to strengthen ties with the Houthi militias by reviving old alliances to gain new political benefits.

Despite the insistence of the overseas leaders of the Brotherhood‘s Reform Party to deny this convergence, the statements and actions of field leaders inside Yemen show the extent of the convergence and collaboration between the two sides.

Under the pretext of “supporting Al-Aqsa and rejecting the Israeli aggression on Gaza,” Al-Hurayzi renewed his justifications for supporting the Houthi militias and declared his endorsement and advocacy. This is the same argument presented by leaders of the Brotherhood’s Reform Party in Sanaa to justify their small and public meetings with Houthi leaders since the start of the aggression on Gaza on October 7, 2023.

Al-Hurayzi’s support for the Houthis is neither new nor surprising; the man is considered one of Iran’s main arms and the leader of arms smuggling and drug networks in Al-Mahra Governorate. His name has been linked to many operations that serve the Houthi militias and enhance their financial and military capabilities.

The appearance of Brotherhood leaders adopting Houthi ideology on the “Al-Mahra” channel is part of a media plan led by the channel to polish and whitewash the criminal image of the Houthis. The channel and its platforms on social media have become a stage where Houthi leaders can freely talk about their threats and fake victories that threaten Yemen, its security, and stability.

This change is not far from other Brotherhood channels that have adopted a media appeasement strategy with the Houthi militias, redirecting their compass to launch furious media campaigns against the legitimate government, the Presidential Council, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

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