
Will the Sudanese Army and the Muslim Brotherhood Succeed in Igniting a Civil War in Darfur?

Taher Hajer, the leader of the Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance, accused the Sudanese army‘s military intelligence, dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood group, of seeking to ignite a civil war in the Darfur region and foment discord among tribes.

Hajer stated in an interview with Sudan Tribune yesterday: “There are genuine fears of a civil war erupting in the Darfur region due to the practices of the army’s intelligence in sowing discord among communities, especially their attempts to pit the Zaghawa against Arab tribes, particularly the Rezeigat.”

He emphasized that they are working diligently to spare the region the ravages of tribal warfare that the army plans to instigate in collaboration with remnants of the ousted regime (the Muslim Brotherhood), who are working to shift the war to Darfur and turn it into a conflict between Arabs and Zaghawa.

Hajer warned against the disastrous consequences of a war between the army and its allies and the Rapid Support Forces in El Fasher, and spoke of intensive efforts to avoid any military confrontation in the city, which has been home to thousands of displaced people since 2003, as well as new displaced persons due to the war on April 15, 2023, who arrived from the cities of Nyala, Zalingei, and the outskirts of the North Darfur capital.

Several Sudanese politicians have revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood has hijacked the army’s decision and hijacked the Sudanese state, and that all institutions in Port Sudan are “kizania fiefs,” affirming that they were the ones who ignited the war and do not want it to cease.

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