
Yemen – Blinken reaffirmed US support for the ongoing truce

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed his country’s support for the ongoing truce in Yemen, noting that he discussed with the head of the Command Council support for a two-month truce in Yemen.

The US Secretary of State made the remarks during a meeting with Yemeni Presidential Command Council Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi on Thursday, during which he welcomed the Presidential Council’s meeting in Aden this week, stressing the importance of an effective and transparent government that supports efforts to end the Yemeni conflict and protect human rights.

The US Secretary of State stressed the importance of opening the roads to Taiz and other areas, as well as seizing the momentum from these positive developments to ensure a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive peace process.

Yemenis considered the transfer of authority by former President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi to a presidential leadership council that includes all the active parties a historic step that would put an end to the war, which is entering its eighth year. They hope that Houthi militias will accept sitting down for peace away from the barrel of guns.

The formation of the Presidential Council is an important historic shift to open the horizon for a new stage and unify the Yemeni ranks.

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