Arabian Gulf

Yemen condemned Houthi assaults on Saudi Arabia

On Friday, the Yemeni government denounced the recent attacks launched by Iran-backed Houthi militias against civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia, noting that it indicates their refusal of peace efforts.

In a statement, the Yemeni Foreign Ministry stated that the latest Houthi attacks on installations, including oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, confirm their determination to continue its war.

The ministry showed Yemen’s solidarity as a government and people with the Kingdom to counter these terrorist attacks and Yemen’s backing to all procedures that Saudi Arabia takes to protect its lands and keep its security and stability.

The statement also said: These militias continue their terrorist acts and undermine the security of the region without any international deterrence, appealing the international community to assume its responsibility in putting an end to the militias’ irresponsible acts.

In the meantime, Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani related that the Houthi assaults affirm the militias won’t obey to the demands of peace without any political and military pressure and if they are not subjected to international sanctions and the trial of their leaders as war criminals.

Eryani said, in a statement to the Saba news agency, the international community wants to cease the damaging Iranian policies that undermine the possibility of a peaceful solution in Yemen, calling the international community to take its responsibility in countering the Houthi terrorist activities and protecting regional and global peace.

Furthermore, Houthis assembled thousands of their supporters on Friday in Sanaa and other cities as a response to an appeal by their leader, Abdulmalik al-Houthi.

Al-Houthi is seeking to present his military capacities in the presence of uncertainties about whether he would accept the new Saudi initiative to cease the battle in Yemen and abandon Iran’s expansionist agenda in the region.

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