
Yemen – Human rights calls to stop Houthi terrorism; Convictions are not enough

The Houthi militia continues its terrorist and destructive crimes targeting the security and stability of Yemen, amidst official Yemeni movements and calls on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities under international law and international conventions to stop the terrorism of the Houthi group in general and save Taiz from the siege in particular.

Houthi violence

The Houthi group launched a violent attack on al-Dabab, west of Taiz, which continued until dawn Monday in an attempt to control the area and cut the only artery linking Taiz to Aden province, the official Yemeni news agency Saba reported. The Yemeni government said it would not allow the Houthis to continue their violations, manipulating and exploiting the truce to take advantage of the government’s commitment to implement the truce to achieve military and political objectives at the expense of Yemenis’ choices and aspirations for peace and stability, which the Houthis are bearing the consequences.

Human rights organizations

On the other hand, 16 local and international human rights organizations called, last Monday, on the Houthi militia to open the vital roads in Taiz, south-western Yemen immediately, to prevent the further deterioration of the serious humanitarian crisis. International organizations said that the Houthis should open the vital roads in Taiz, and around it immediately and restore freedom of movement for all civilians, to prevent a further deterioration of the already serious humanitarian crisis in Taiz. The flow of essential goods and medicines is hampering humanitarian access to the city’s residents, and the organizations stressed that the Houthis should ensure the safe freedom of movement of all humanitarian workers and facilitate the delivery of food, medical supplies and other essential items and services to civilians in the city and throughout the governorate.

Conviction is not enough

Ahmed Jebbari, a Yemeni analyst and human rights activist, said the Houthis are continuing their crimes and violations amidst the eyes and ears of all European countries and organizations. No measures have been taken against them to stop these crimes, and only statements of condemnation and denunciation are taking place.

the Yemeni political and human rights analyst added that the statements of condemnation were not enough only from the international community. It is necessary to take action by adopting the harshest sanctions imposed on the Houthis and to include them in extremist and terrorist groups and organizations, and to put pressure on Iran to stop supporting and financing armed militias in Yemen.

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