
“Yemen is calling you” – The Yemen’s brotherhood promote fake campaigns to rob the people of Yemen

For several years, the Brotherhood and its political arms, as well as Qatar, have tried to promote fake campaigns aimed at supporting the Palestinian people, on a local, international and global scale, while in fact they were heading to the Iranian-backed Hamas movement, which is currently being falsified under the so-called monthly grants to the people of Gaza, which is repeated again in Yemen now.

The Yemen campaign is calling you

The Muslim Brotherhood has once again tried to deceive the world by promoting the “Yemen calls you” campaign, which is supported by a number of the group’s leaders in Yemen. The campaign was launched a few hours ago via Twitter.

Yemeni Brotherhood member Anis Mansour tweeted: “A three-day Palestinian-Yemeni campaign titled #YemenCalls You, and our colleague @m__almasmari dedicated three days to the campaign on his YouTube account”.

Through this campaign, Mansour aims to promote fundraising via social media, to make as much money as possible to support access to arms for the Houthi militias, which have been suffering heavy losses in money and materiel recently, as well as to support Hamas in Palestine.

Brotherhood Support

Yemeni journalist Anis Mansour is known to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was hired by the National Security Agency to use his work to confront his opponents by monitoring newspapers and journalists.

He also led an online network to discredit and attack Qatar’s adversaries and the Brotherhood, while allegedly trying to support the Yemeni people and fight for their cause and liberation.

Many Yemeni websites have previously confirmed Mansour’s affiliation with the Islah Party, deliberately spreading chaos in southern Yemen, the Southern Transitional Council and the coalition states, and support for the Houthi terrorist group.

The betrayal of the Yemeni people is not new to Mansour. He had previously looted humanitarian aid for poor Yemeni people, so the people and sheiks of Karsh disowned him after stealing King Salman Relief Fund money several years ago.

A record 19 million Yemenis are unable to meet their minimum food needs, with the Yemeni people relying on humanitarian assistance, according to the UN agency’s latest figures.

Dr. Jihad Al-Harazin, a leader in the Fatah movement and a professor of political science at Al-Quds University, said that Hamas exploits the Palestinian people’s money through campaigns it launches from time to time to benefit from these funds for its own interests, in light of the current lack of resources and funding. It is noteworthy that Hamas exploits these matters to plunder Gaza’s forces and funds for its own interests.

In an exclusive statement, the leader of Fatah movement added that the funds that Hamas is currently collecting under the heading of supporting the Yemeni cause are just a clear exploitation, as happened before in the exploitation of Gaza’s funds and collecting them. However, the matter is different this time, and the terrorist movement is working to collect money from the Palestinian people, despite all the economic crises that the countries of the world are suffering from, and we have not found any movement from Hamas to support the Palestinian people, as it is now asking them to pay new donations.

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