Arabian Gulf

Yemen : We will not accept the people being held hostage by Houthi terrorism

“Yemen’s Prime Minister Maïn Abdelmalek has said that Houthi militia attacks against civilians in Saudi Arabia and Yemen will not go unpunished at all costs.”

The Yemeni Prime Minister made the remarks during a phone call with Yemeni Minister of Defense Lt. Gen. Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdashi and Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Sagheir bin Aziz, who affirmed the government’s support for the army, popular resistance and tribesmen until the restoration of the state and the end of the Houthi coup and its Iranian-backed project.

“His government will not accept that the Yemeni people remain hostage to the crimes and violations committed by these terrorist militias that target civilians and displaced people in Marib and al-Hodeidah,” he said.

“The state of pride and the illusion of power that the Houthi militia is trying to mislead its followers with will not last long,” he said, adding that it will shatter the public’s widespread rejection of the coup attempt, which seeks to return Yemen to the era of isolation and backwardness.

He pointed out that the Houthi militias are trying to turn the homeland of Arabism into an arena for the implementation of Iran’s destructive sectarian projects, praising the continuous support of the countries of the Alliance to Support Legitimacy and standing by the Yemeni people in the battle of all Arabs in defense of identity and belonging.

The persistence of the coup militia in continuing its losing war and trading in the blood of Yemenis and its dependence on Iran’s agenda puts the international community in front of the fact that the decision of this gang is no longer in its hands, and that it is rebelling against its people, its legitimate authority and the resolutions of the Security Council, Maïn Abdelmalek noted.

The head of the Yemeni government called on the United Nations, the Security Council and the international community to take deterrent measures against Iran, which insists on prolonging the war in Yemen by supplying militias with weapons that threaten the security, stability and safety of the region and international navigation in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, one of the most important international trade corridors in the world.

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