Middle east

Yemeni government accuses Houthis for obstructing peace process

The Yemeni internationally recognized government accused the Houthi militia and said that it is adopting the Iranian plan and interrupting peace efforts.

The government also stated that the Houthis carry out the military escalation in Marib and not accept the UN and international calls to cease all attacks and end obstructing attempts to attain peace.

On his part, Yemeni Foreign Minister, Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, talked with the US ambassador to Yemen Christopher Henzel about the recent developments. He expressed his country’s gratitude for the US government’s continuing support, and its gratitude for the efforts of the US Envoy, Tim Lenderking, to re-establish peace in Yemen.

He also repeated the position of the government in support of international efforts that intended to reach a just and sustainable peace based on the three references.

Houthi militias continues their military escalation in Marib

According to the Minister, although all the initiatives and concessions made to reach peace, the Houthi militias are ongoing their hostility and military escalation in Marib against civilians and the internally displaced people. Saba news reported that Bin Mubarak accused the Houthi militia for blocking peace efforts and extending the Yemeni peoples’ suffering.

Indeed, the continuing military escalation is a clear message that the Houthi militias are not interested and not serious about attaining any progress in the peace operation that indicates that the decision of these militias depends on the Iranian regime. The Yemeni minister also said: Iran is using the Houthis to implement its malicious agenda to destabilize Yemen and the region.

On his part, the US Ambassador repeated his country’s support for the Yemeni legitimate government, Yemen’s security, unity, and stability, in what official sources said.

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