
Yemeni government warns of Houthi’s continued violations of truce

The Yemeni government has warned of the collapse of the UN-brokered truce with the Houthi terrorist militia, calling on the UN to deal firmly with Houthi violations.

The Yemeni government said in a meeting held yesterday in the interim capital Aden: The Houthi militia, which is violating the UN truce and openly hostile to the Yemeni people, is trying to “close any window of hope for peace in implementation of Iran’s agenda and project”, the official Saba agency reported.

The Yemeni Council of Ministers called on the United Nations and its envoy to Yemen to deal firmly with the Houthi violations of the truce, to exert pressure to implement its obligations under it, not to exploit it for further mobilization, and to arrange its deteriorating situation on the ground, noting that this overlooking threatens the collapse of the ceasefire and the truce in general.

The Yemeni government praised the success of the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations held under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council and its outputs, which it said “will be geared towards action in the coming period”, noting the positive atmosphere that prevailed during the consultations for national accord and consensus. Everyone realized the importance of joining forces to defeat the Iranian project in Yemen through its proxies of the Houthi militia, which also represents an existential threat to the Gulf, the Arab region and international navigation, according to a statement issued by the meeting.

He also stressed the government’s keenness to coordinate fully and jointly to make the necessary arrangements to hold an international conference to mobilize the necessary financial resources to support the Yemeni economy, at the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, noting that the new phase requires working on two tracks: The first is to complete the restoration of the state, and the second is to stop economic decline, improve the level of services and overcome difficult living conditions.

The Yemeni Council of Ministers praised the urgent support provided to the Yemeni economy in the amount of $3 billion, including $2 billion in support of the Central Bank of Yemen and $1 billion in support of the United Arab Emirates, including $600 million in support of the purchase of oil derivatives fund and $400 million in development projects and initiatives. It expressed its hope that other GCC countries and Yemen’s development partners from brotherly and friendly countries will take similar positions to support the Yemeni economy and support the efforts of the Government to carry out its duties and commitments to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Yemeni cabinet approved the draft state budget for fiscal year 2022, the first annual budget in eight years, and referred it to parliament to complete the necessary constitutional procedures.

He also approved a $5 million annual government contribution for the operation of the Aden General Hospital, which has been rehabilitated by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen. He praised Saudi support for the rehabilitation of this important strategic medical edifice, which is considered the most prominent and largest among Yemeni hospitals.


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