Middle east

Yemeni President calls on Europe to punish Houthi militias and Iran

Yemen’s Presidential Command Council called on the European Council on to punish the Houthis and Iran for sending internationally banned weapons to militias.

This came during a meeting between President of the Presidential Command Council Rashad Al-Alimi and President of the European Council Charles Michel at the beginning of the presidential visit to the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, according to the official news agency Saba.

Al-Alimi expressed his gratitude for the European position in support of the Yemeni issue, stressing the importance of doubling pressure to encourage the Houthi terrorist militias to deal seriously with their good offices in order to establish peace and stability in Yemen and to punish them along with their Iranian backers who send more internationally banned weapons shipments.

He praised the European steps to classify the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), given its subversive projects in the region, which threaten international peace and security.

Al-Alimi noted the importance of a broad partnership with the European Union, including the strengthening of its funding interventions to ensure the transition from relief and humanitarian support to development and economic aspects that will sustain the impact of these interventions in various sectors.

In this context, he stressed the importance of pushing the European Union to pump approved funding for international organizations through the Central Bank of Yemen, which would contribute to strengthening the national currency position and ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches its beneficiaries across the country.

Al-Alimi renewed the Presidential Council’s commitment to a comprehensive and just peace, expressing his aspiration that ongoing efforts by brothers and friends will lead to the restoration of the political process that ensures the participation of all Yemeni men and women in power and wealth, and the building of a state of equal citizenship and the rule of law.

For his part, the President of the European Council welcomed the President of the Presidential Command Council and his accompanying delegation, stressing the importance of the visit in strengthening bilateral relations and joint coordination between the two sides at various levels.

“The EU is committed to supporting the Presidential Council, the internationally recognized government and the Yemeni people and their openness to broad political and economic partnership, as well as to supporting all efforts aimed at achieving peace and stability and alleviating the worst human suffering in the world,” Michel said.

Rashad al-Alimi, head of the Presidential Command Council, is leading a European tour that aims to gather pressure on Houthi militias and expose their crimes and those of Iran to the international community.

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