
Yemen’s Brotherhood accused of financing militants to go to Ukraine

Despite the apparent rapprochement between the Houthi terrorist militias and the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, the political front of Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood, and the solidarity on many fronts indiscriminately against the legitimate government and southern forces, the leaders of both sides are trying to conceal this relationship with anti-other statements as a form of camouflage.

This included new accusations by Houthi militias, which are allied with Iran, that the Brotherhood was using Yemeni oil and gas revenues to finance militants fighting in Ukraine.

In a Twitter tweet accompanying it with a picture of cars queuing at a gas station in the oil and gas-rich province of Marib, Hussein al-Azzi, deputy foreign minister in the unrecognized Houthi government, said: “Our oil and gas is in the hands of the Brotherhood of Yemen (a reference to the Yemeni Reform Party) and is being allocated to themselves and some extremist branches outside Yemen”, Sputnik reported.

The head of the political and external relations department of the terrorist militia added: “Recently, some of the proceeds from our wealth have been used to finance militant groups fighting in Ukraine in exchange for their removal from terrorist lists”.

The Yemeni Congregation for Reform is the second largest political party in Yemen and is part of the legitimate government formed after the Riyadh Agreement.


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