Arabian Gulf

Zayed’s story for a day of humanitarian action Qu Anyone who sowed a gift reaped loyalty

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) celebrates, Saturday, the “Zayed Day of Humanitarian Action,” which falls on 19 Ramadan annually, in commemoration of the death of the late Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane.

What is the story of the revival of that day? How, when, and why did he begin his revival? What does that mean today to the people of the UAE and the whole world?

Since the departure of the late Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane on 2 November 2004, 19 Ramadan 1425 A.H., the UAE leadership, government and people have been keen to commemorate this anniversary to follow the path of Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane in giving and continuing the good works he instilled in them, in fulfillment of his biography and as inspiration for his wisdom.

Institutionalized approach

In an effort to immortalize the approach of a leader who committed his life to the benefit of the people and the good of them, and to sustain the charitable and humanitarian work he was keen to sustain, the UAE Council of Ministers, in its historic meeting held at Al Ittihad House on the UAE’s 41 National Day in 2012, approved the designation of 19 Ramadan every year, which marks the anniversary of the departure of the Union’s founder Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane, as “Humanitarian Day of the UAE”, in commemoration of the late Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane and Arana’a role in establishing the Humanitarian Giving March in the UAE and immortalents for humanitarian action.

UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheik Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum commented on the initiative at the time, saying: “Zayed is the source and origin of the effort and the one who instilled in his people the love of giving and giving free of charge.. “May God have mercy on his humanity, generosity and generosity, which did not distinguish between near and far, and which made the UAE a global humanitarian aid station to give.”

First celebration

The following Ramadan, on 11 July 2013, Sheik Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum launched the UAE’s Humanitarian Action Day campaign, which lasted until 19 Ramadan to cater to one million underprivileged children around the world.

On 28 July 2013/ 19 Ramadan 1434 A.H., Sheik Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum ordered the UAE’s Humanitarian Day to be changed to “Zayed Humanitarian Day” in honor of the late Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane.

He was sponsoring the first event to mark “Increasing Humanitarian Day” at the Dubai World Trade Center.

Sheik Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum delivered a speech in which he explained that the launch of this day “was an immortal of the kind of humiliation that Sheik Zayed used to love, may God rest his soul in peace, and a reminder of the good deeds that were a major part of his life, and a promotion of a humane Emirati culture that God has laid the foundation for by his work, foresight, and a body of love for good and keenness on the benefit of man wherever he is”.

Also on the same day, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Sheik Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyane witnessed the Night of Loyalty to Zayed Al Khair and Giving held in the Sheik Zayed Al Kabeer Mosque as part of the activities of the “Zayed Humanitarian Day.”

Capital of Good

The day will be “an annual stop at which we will stop to remember the history of the humanitarian institution, instill the values of goodness and giving in the hearts of new generations, and plan for a full year of UAE humanitarian work to consolidate the UAE’s status as a world capital for charity and a major international station for relief to those in need and in need”, he said.

The UAE initiative was welcomed by the United Nations, the United Nations and the Arab Emirates, after an important humanitarian event was added to the agenda of humanitarian events worldwide, in favor of the poor and the needy around the world.

The UAE has already become a global capital for philanthropy, and today, thanks to the legacy of Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane, it is the world’s leading foreign aid donor.

The UAE leadership, represented by UAE President Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheik Mohammed Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and their brethren members of the Supreme Council, continue to guide the UAE rulers on the path of the institution in extending a helping hand, working to combat poverty and hunger and helping the needy around the world without regard to their nationality, color or religion.

Sustainability of good

The UAE has been able to transform humanitarian and charitable works into regular institutions with the aim of sustaining and sustaining the good and ensuring its effectiveness and access to all those in need.

Zayed Humanitarian Day became an annual event to celebrate the achievements of the UAE since the reign of Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane and today in terms of humanitarian work through the assistance it provides to other countries and peoples.

 It has also become an annual date for the announcement of numerous humanitarian, charitable, vital and specific initiatives through hundreds of government and community events organized by public, private and private institutions.

This year’s event takes place for the second consecutive year in light of the exceptional circumstances in the world due to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which requires imitating the human legacy of the founding leader Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane in order to further cooperate and unite to face the challenges resulting from the coronavirus crisis.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the UAE affirmed its commitment to the vision and humanitarian message established by the late Sheik Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane, through its efforts and role in helping countries of the world to address this crisis, by sending about 2000 tons of medical aid to 130 countries, in the framework of spreading the values of good, cooperation and solidarity among humans.

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