
3 useful tips to achieve all your goals

This year, it’s decided: you want to achieve the new goals you have set for yourself. But in order for these dreams to become more than just empty ideas and become reality, it is essential to turn words into actions and put in place healthy habits. It is the latter that will allow you to move forward, day after day, towards your goals without ever being discouraged.

Adopt a well-established routine

The first thing to do, to be sure to take a step forward, no matter how small, every day, is to put in place a well thought out routine. It would indeed not be at all enough to rely on luck on a daily basis to hope to see things progress as you wish. If your goal is to be more muscular, use a smartwatch and walk more each day. If you want more energy, turn off screens after 8 p.m. and go to bed earlier each night. If you want to feel happier, make a list of activities that make you feel good and make time for them each day. It is then up to you to adapt your routine according to your schedule and your different objectives.

Maintain your motivation

In general, when we decide to set a goal, we are invaded by a great motivation because we already see ourselves succeeding and we are proud of ourselves at the idea of ​​having reached this goal. However, very often, this motivation plummets over the days, for a very simple reason: we realize quite quickly that it is not enough to play roulette online once to become rich, to do a single session 20-minute workout to be able to run a marathon or go to bed a little earlier to catch up on all your sleep delay. Motivation must be maintained day after day so as not to crumble at the slightest difficulty. To do this, you can list the reasons that led you to set these goals or the positive emotions you will feel when you achieve them. You can also repeat positive affirmations to yourself, celebrate your successes, or listen to a playlist of motivational songs to give you courage.

Be disciplined

Once you make sure you keep in mind the reasons that led you to choose a particular goal and you have put in place an appropriate routine to achieve it, it only remains to be disciplined. And contrary to what we think, this is surely the easiest part, because at this stage, there is no more to think about. Just get up in the morning, put on your sneakers and go for a run. Or turn on your computer and start working tirelessly and without thinking of anything else. Or to apply purely and simply what you have written upstream on your to do list. In a way, this amounts to applying the 5-second rule, which is very effective in fighting procrastination: rather than postponing or trying to negotiate with yourself, count to 5 in your head and act. , without asking any other questions. Quite simply !

Achieving your goals is accessible to everyone, provided you choose achievable goals, but also and above all to set up an appropriate routine that allows you to move forward little by little, to maintain your motivation day after day and to demonstrate great discipline. With this rigor and a little time, you will see that you will progress very quickly and this should increase your motivation, which will help you to continue your efforts until you have achieved each of the goals you set for yourself at the start. .

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