
4 Behaviors That Will Change Your Life in 2024

Many look forward to improving their daily lifestyle for the better with the arrival of the New Year, a task that requires diligent effort and perseverance.

Dana Santas, a breathing and movement coach, has identified 4 health solutions that bring long-term benefits to practitioners, as reported by her on CNN.

Expressing Gratitude This daily behavior contributes to enhancing happiness and reducing stress levels, as indicated by several studies. It also improves an individual’s mood, combats depression, and, above all, fosters self-respect.

Moving the Body Every Hour Sitting for extended hours each day increases the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases and cancer, requiring standing up and moving. It is recommended to move for 5 minutes every hour, according to a study conducted by scientists at Columbia University.

Daily Dental Flossing Experts emphasize that dental flossing is linked to improved heart health and controls blood sugar levels. Incorporating this habit into daily life is crucial for overall well-being.

Cuddling Your Pet Pets play a positive role in relieving stress and bringing joy to their owners, as concluded by a previous study conducted on people who embraced their dogs. Experts recommend caring for a pet at home for its long-term positive effects on mental well-being.

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