4% of French adults say they are affected, according to a first estimate by Santé Publique France-Presse

Fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, intermittent fever, depression… Around 4% of French adults and 30% of those who have been contaminated by Covid say they suffer from long Covid disorders, according to a survey by Public Health France
How much does long Covid affect the French? To estimate the prevalence and burden of this syndrome, Public Health France conducted a first study, via an online survey, from March 22 to April 8, with a representative sample of 27,537 people.
Some 4% said they were affected by post-Covid-19 symptoms and, if we focus on people who had a “probable or confirmed infection” at least three months ago, this proportion rises to 30%. But the category in question does not include people infected without having had significant symptoms or positive tests.
Just over two million French people over the age of 18?
If we extrapolate these results to the scale of the French population at the time of the study, the long Covid would thus concern more than two million people over the age of 18.
However, “these results should be taken with caution, because they are based on a panel of volunteers”, noted epidemiologist Laure Carcaillon during a virtual press conference by Santé Publique France. A second study, on a random sample from the general population, should provide “more robust” estimates.