
An unprecedented social leap… King Abdullah II leads the development process in Jordan

King Abdullah II enjoys a special place in the hearts of the Jordanian people. He has made many achievements and initiatives for the benefit of the Jordanian people.

King Abdullah II assumed power of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1999. King Abdullah II assumed power after the death of his father, the late King Hussein Bin Talal. Jordanians celebrate February 7th with King Abdullah.

HM King Abdullah II’s initiatives began with his assumption of his constitutional powers in February 1999, in fulfillment of his vision to improve the living conditions and standards of citizens, especially in the poorest regions. These initiatives have come to include various sectors, including: health, education, youth, the care of Islamic sanctities, social development, and productive enterprises.

The King Abdullah II Fund for Development Act was approved in 2001. Under the Act, the Fund was established to function as a non-governmental and non-profit organization that seeks to achieve development in the various governorates and regions of the Kingdom. It contributes to supporting social and educational development efforts by establishing national development projects aimed at distributing the benefits of sustainable development in partnership with private sector and civil society institutions, thereby improving the standard of living of citizens.

The Jordanian Center for Design and Development was established by the Royal Decree in 1999 to serve as an independent military/civilian institution under the umbrella of the Jordanian Armed Forces/Arab Army. The center looks after research and development with the aim of providing optimal solutions in the fields of defense locally, regionally and globally, and contributes to the provision of national capabilities that provide the Jordanian Armed Forces with high military technology, thus forming an advanced industrial base in Jordan.

At the end of 2020, the royal will was expressed to approve a modified system for the King Abdullah II Center for Design and Development, whereby the center’s name was changed to the Jordan Center for Design and Development.

The King Abdullah II Center of Excellence was inaugurated in January 2006 with the aim of spreading a culture of excellence and serving as a national reference point for determining Jordan’s competitiveness by adopting best practices and placing them within the criteria of the prizes that it launches and applies in all sectors. This is the national reference point that is entrusted with measuring the level of excellence and the quality of performance of public institutions, private business associations and companies, educational service providers and non-governmental institutions, and measuring their capabilities and effectiveness in providing services and their contribution to the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy.

King Abdullah II instructed the Ministry of Education to create a prize for outstanding students in the field of physical fitness, the “King Abdullah II Prize for Physical Fitness”, a program to practice proposed or optional activities applied to students in schools in the Kingdom. Students exercise sports activities for one hour a day, five times a week, lasting six consecutive weeks, and then a five-axis test is conducted at the end of the period, to which all participants submit. Through the results of the test, the level of the participant is assessed and the award is given to each level. Participants have complete freedom to practice these proposed activities or any other activities, whether collectively or individually, inside or outside the school, provided that these activities are documented on specific forms.

The award aims primarily to strengthen trust, establish a healthy, sporting and nutritional culture, and prevent unhealthy practices, which will contribute to preparing conscious, capable and productive generations.

King Abdullah sought to improve the social and living conditions of Jordanian citizens, to confront difficult circumstances and challenges, to support low-income citizens through the construction of housing, the establishment of a social safety net, the launch of training and rehabilitation programs, and the granting of good parcels. He also sought to advance Jordanian society towards sufficiency and productivity by developing educational and health services, providing job opportunities and providing basic needs. He also established many important development zones that would improve social life.

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