
Yemen – Houthi militias slaughter imams, ban Tarawih prayers, terrorize worshippers

Despite the holy month of Ramadan and the sanctity of killing, the Houthi militias continue their violations and heinous crimes, to an unacceptable extent by shedding the nation’s blood and preventing prayers in houses of God, contrary to Islamic Sharia.

The Houthi militia massacred the Imam of a mosque and banned the Tarawih prayers in mosques in order to listen to the lecture of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi at the Al-Iman Mosque in Sanaa, where the prayer was banned.

Several pictures circulated on social media showed the Houthi militia massacring one of the imams of the capital’s mosques the day before yesterday, as well as preventing the Tarawih prayers in mosques in order to listen to the lecture of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi. The video and images caused a huge state of anger among the people of Yemen.

Yemeni media reported that Houthi militias stormed the Grand Mosque in the capital Sana’a after the evening prayer and prevented the holding of the Tarawih prayers. The order came later to force the worshipers to leave, in order to start a lecture for the militia leader.

Yemeni websites added that the Houthis continue to storm mosques and harass worshippers in districts; Mo3een, Nuqum and the airport explained that the militia stormed about eight mosques, most notably the Iman Mosque in the Nuqum neighborhood where they kidnapped and assaulted a number of worshippers, including the Imam, making it a new and horrific crime with the record of serious Houthi violations.

This heinous terrorist crime was repeated in a mosque in Dhamar province, where the imam of the mosque was killed and slaughtered. A worshipper inside the mosque was reportedly killed for rejecting the instructions of the Houthis to prevent the Tarawih prayers. He defied them and performed the prayers, and was killed in front of hundreds of worshippers, in an incident that contravenes divine laws and humanitarian laws. This is in keeping with its crimes and violations against Yemenis, in light of the silence of the international community towards the repeated Houthi crimes, which amount to war crimes punishable by international law.

The Sharia government denounced the militia’s campaign to prevent Tarawih prayers from taking place and turning mosques into headquarters of listening to the lectures of their leader.

The terrorist militia continues to commit heinous crimes, without any regard for the truce announced by the Arab coalition after the series of Yemeni consultations held in Riyadh, and even violates the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan.

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