
Ennahdha movement seeks to derail political dialog in Tunisia- Details

A state of high anticipation inside the Tunisian political arena in the coming period, after President Kais Saied’s call for a comprehensive dialog with the political and societal forces to discuss many different political issues and to develop the road map, following the recent decisions taken by the Tunisian state, the most recent of which was the dissolution of the Tunisian parliament.

The national dialog called for by the Tunisian state will not include the Renaissance Movement, or it mentioned its name in this regard. However, the terrorist movement came out to try to distort and discredit the dialog called for by the Tunisian state, issuing a statement in which it claimed that the dialog would be a sham and will not participate in it. This confirms the attempts of the group to return to the scene again through the schemes of doubt and lies that it promotes.

Tunisian political analyst Oussama Aouidet, a leader in the Tunisian People’s Movement, confirmed that Ennahdha is suffering from a state of severe turmoil, especially after the dissolution of the parliament by the decision of the President of the State, Kais Saied. They are now striving to thwart the call for comprehensive dialog, which was called for by Tunisian President Kais Saied, by casting doubt and continuous attacks through their brigades on this dialog, and issuing their comic statements in order to thwart this absurd scheme.

The Tunisian political analyst added: The President of Tunisia, in his speech and his call for dialog, was determined that there is no reconciliation, no negotiation, and no recognition of those who have sabotaged the country and wreaked havoc in it. These people are themselves of the past, and there is no going back and no step back. They are crying over democracy and the revolution, while they are trying to assassinate them in every way. They are among the worst enemies of democracy and national sovereignty. In this way, he was referring to the Ennahdha Movement of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was the cause of all the crises that affected Tunisia throughout the past period.

He pointed out that all the attempts made by the Ennahdha Movement of the Muslim Brotherhood will not succeed in light of the strong Tunisian will to make this dialog a success, in order to build and stabilize the Tunisian state after a period that suffered a lot of crises under the control of the terrorist group on the parliament and various state institutions.

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