
Yemen: Human rights demands to impose international sanctions on Houthis

As Houthi violations increase in Yemen, a number of human rights organizations have called on the international community to put more pressure on the Iran-backed Houthi militia to abide by the truce, implement all its provisions and stop the crimes committed by its armed elements against Yemeni civilians on a daily basis.

Truce exploitation

The organizations called on the international community to put more pressure on the Houthi rebel militia as the party blocking the implementation of the provisions of the UN truce, which was announced last April and extended for two more months, but the lack of Houthi commitment to the truce makes matters more difficult as it uses the time of the truce to organize itself, collect royalties and increase its sources of income, in addition to daily violations and humanitarian crimes committed on a daily basis.

Houthi abuses

Adrian Kalamel, a specialist on Middle Eastern history and terrorist groups, said: Houthi’s militia is trying to take advantage of the truce to organize its ranks, he said, adding that despite the opening of the Sanaa airport and the allowing of ships to reach the port of Hodeidah, Houthi elements have not complied with some of the agreed terms so far.

He added, Houthi is still intransigent and has not opened the road, which is a basic condition in the terms of the UN truce, despite the passage of four months since the beginning of the truce.

Millions at risk

Ahmed Jabbari, a Yemeni researcher and human rights activist, said the Houthi terrorist militia is committing the most heinous terrorist crimes amid international silence. The international community condemns the terrorist militia’s numerous crimes in Yemen.

The Yemeni human rights activist added that the Houthi violations have affected children and women without any humanitarian considerations, in addition to royalties and control of the Yemeni people’s property, which has aroused public anger towards these crimes carried out by the Houthi militia amid international silence. Jabbari called on the international community to put more pressure on the party that is obstructing the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations truce, namely the Houthi militia, by imposing strict sanctions against this militia.

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