
This is THE best food you can eat to burn belly fat

Having belly is often a source of complexes. Also, losing abdominal fat can become a real obsession. There are many methods to lose that fatty mass, but one food stands out above the rest. We show it to you in this article.

Secrets to losing belly fat

Losing belly fat is a concern for many people. The abdominal fat must be particularly monitored because it is generally synonymous with visceral fat. The latter can have an impact on health by increasing blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even certain cancers. It should therefore not be neglected. Have a physical activity allows you to refine the waistline: skipping rope, cycling, swimming, walking… can be combined with some bodybuilding exercises that will help to find a flat stomach. A Healthy eating, varied and balanced is also essential. Indeed, foods rich in fiber (whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables…), in omega 3 (fish, seafood, nuts, avocado…) and green tea (which helps to drain) contribute the proper functioning of intestinal transit and the elimination of fat in the belly. On the other hand, an excess of sugar (alcohol, confectionery, cakes, etc.) will be conducive to the storage of fat. Finally, sleeping well and drinking plenty of water (1.5 to 2 liters of water per day) will allow you to lose weight quickly. All the details are in our article “how to lose belly quickly, for a woman, without a diet”. One food, however, stands out and can help you lose belly fat in particular.

Greek yogurt, the miracle food?

Many studies have shown that foods rich in protein, vitamin D and calcium actively participate in the loss of abdominal fat mass. In fact, no protein makes belly fat disappear like magic! However, the latter provide a feeling of satiety which limits the frenzied desire to eat. Losing belly fat will be easier if you don’t have to fight the urge to snack throughout the day. Rich in protein and low in fat, greek yogurt would therefore be the perfect food to help you lose your little bulges. It is especially recommended by Nevada Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Roxana Ehsani. The body takes longer to digest protein, which explains why satiety lasts longer after ingesting a protein meal. In addition, yogurts contain bacteria, probiotics, favorable to the intestinal microbiome. They help to deflate the belly by improving digestion. Consuming Greek yogurt at the end of a meal or as a snack is therefore ideal for losing belly fat. Be careful, however, because there are several varieties of Greek yogurt. Those flavored with fruit and high in sugar are of course to be avoided. You can eat one plain Greek yogurt a day without worrying about your diet.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to losing weight. Not everything will be solved by eating Greek yogurt all day long! Also, even if this yogurt is a good ally, other foods and a healthy lifestyle actively participate in the elimination of abdominal fat.

Some additional tips

Drinking a lot helps eliminate. If you get tired of water, drink tea, herbal teas or even fruit-flavored waters. The draining drinks complement the action of a healthy and balanced diet. Pineapple, ginger, cinnamon… are great fat burners, favorable to weight loss. If you’re short on ideas, we’ve got 15 special flat-tummy drink recipes for you. Do not neglect meats, eggs, fish and legumes. Rich in protein, they also have the power to satiate and thus limit snacking cravings. Finally, creams can also be a complementary asset. Fourchette et bikini offers you 10 flat stomach creams to try without delay!

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