Middle east

The vacuum governing Lebanon – International calls to elect a new president “at the utmost speed”

With Lebanon entering a “presidential vacuum” after the end of Michel Aoun’s term, international calls for the election of a new president have mounted; to overcome the current difficult phase.

The European Union and foreign embassies called on parliament to quickly elect a new president “as quickly as possible”, urging the various political forces to assume their responsibilities and reach a consensus without outside interference.

Lebanon officially entered the “presidential vacuum” on Tuesday, with President Michel Aoun’s term ending at midnight on Monday, after the parliament failed to elect a new president in four sessions to win the required majority.

Aoun preceded the end of his term by signing a decree regarding the caretaker government as resigned, refusing to allow Mikati’s government to exercise the powers of the president. Meanwhile, Aoun confirmed that his government, which is practically resigned since the parliamentary elections (last May), will continue its work.

The vacancy in the presidency, coupled with a caretaker government unable to make the necessary decisions to stop the economic collapse, which the World Bank has rated among the worst in the world in decades.

The EU on Tuesday called on “the Lebanese leadership to assume their responsibilities and take the necessary measures towards the organization of presidential elections and the formation of a government as soon as possible.”

“Last July, the EU renewed a sanctions framework that allows for restrictive measures against individuals or entities that prevent a way out of the Lebanese crisis, with the aim of facilitating the disbursement of additional international funding and curbing the deteriorating trend of the Lebanese economy,” EU High Representative Josep Borrell said in a statement.

A funding agreement must be reached with the IMF, and the long overdue key reforms must be completed without further delay.

The European Union reaffirmed its commitment to continue to assist Lebanon and its people to move forward towards recovery and stability.

The French foreign ministry called on the Lebanese parliament to elect a new president “without delay.”

In a statement on Tuesday, the bloc noted that “France called on the Lebanese deputies to elect a new president without delay, and also called on politicians to assume their responsibilities and be on the level of the stage, for the benefit of Lebanon and the Lebanese,” according to the National News Agency.

“Lebanon is going through a serious and unprecedented economic, financial and social crisis that requires activating the work of institutions and taking the necessary measures to improve the country and improve the living conditions of the Lebanese,” he said.

The Russian Embassy in Lebanon expressed hope on its Twitter page that “the friendly people of Lebanon will succeed in overcoming the current difficult phase, which can only be achieved within the framework of a joint constructive action, in which the opinion of all will be taken into consideration and without external interference.”

“We say farewell to President Michel Aoun, with whom we have worked all these years. “We wish him good health and success in his later works.”

In a meeting on the sidelines of the Arab Summit in Algeria with Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit warned that “the continuation of the presidential vacancy for a long time may have negative consequences on Lebanon in light of the current challenges it faces.”

Aboul Gheit urged “the importance of the current government carrying out the necessary reforms, while at the same time Lebanese politicians shoulder their responsibility, and the need to put the national interest above any other considerations in order to reach agreements that would end the political impasse and prevent the entry into a presidential vacuum that the country cannot afford”.

This comes amidst assurances that an item will be included in the final statement of the summit to support Lebanon in order to emerge from its deepening crises.

Since the end of September, the Lebanese parliament has failed four times to elect a new president.

Speaker Nabih Berri called for the parliament to hold a session on Thursday to read a letter from Aoun to the parliament, accusing Mikati of obstructing the formation of the government and seeking to “hijack the presidency of the republic.”

Aoun and Prime Minister Mikati have accused each other of blocking the formation of a government due to counter-conditions.

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