
Tunisia elections: People officially mark the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood

Under the title “The New Republic,” Tunisia began a new voting process in the legislative elections on Thursday, after living in Tunisia for nearly 10 years under the terrorist regime of the Muslim Brotherhood, and named “The Black Decade.” The spokesman of the Independent Elections Commission, Mohamed Tellili Mansari, confirmed that the commission is fully prepared for the final stage of the legislative process, and to ensure that all the technical and logistical requirements for the voting process are met.

Electoral silence

The stage of electoral silence began on Wednesday abroad, on the condition that the elections abroad will be held in three constituencies: France 2, France 3, Italy, with one candidate per constituency, which means that the three candidates won by acclamation, and the elections will not be held in seven other constituencies; Because there is no candidate that the Authority has authorized to accept, and they are: France, Germany, Asia, Australia, Africa, Britain, and the United States. The voting continues for three days: December 15, 16, and 17. The election campaign ends in 151 districts, Thursday, at midnight, to be an electoral silence starting from Friday, December 16. Internal voting will start on Saturday, December 17. The preliminary results will be announced between December 18 and 20. The final results will be issued on January 19, after deciding on the appeals.

9 million voters

During the opening of the media center for the elections of the members of the Assembly of the People, the President of the Independent High Commission for Elections of the Tunisian Parliament, Farouk Bouaskar, announced that the number of Tunisians entitled to vote in the elections of the members of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People is 9 million voters, for the first time in the history of Tunisia. Bouaskar said that 25% of the voters were registered automatically, adding that 50.8% of the voters are women, and 49.2% are men. He pointed out that the transfers of election materials were completed from the central stores to the branch stores in the provinces, pointing out that the electoral speech of some candidates was not free from calls for violence and hatred, stressing the Authority’s keenness to apply the law to everyone without exception.

The end of the Brotherhood of Tunisia

Hazem Kasouri, a political affairs expert in Tunisia, said that the new Tunisia sailed ahead of the elections to chart a political system based on the sovereignty of the people. The election of the people’s representatives this time is not a “blank check,” but the Tunisian people can withdraw confidence if the MP breaches his obligations.

He added that the current elections are a death certificate for the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Tunisia, describing what happened by the Tunisian people throwing the terrorist Brotherhood organization into the “trash bin of history” after the people turned their dark page of intrigues and conspiracies against Tunisia, Al-Qasouri said that he is convinced that the battle of Tunisia on December 17 is decisive and detailed, pointing out that welcoming the Tunisian President in the United States of America is only a real translation and an international recognition that Tunisia is on a corrective course and a progressive partner with the United States for direct democracy, the sovereignty of the people on their land, and the independence of their sovereign decision and their legitimate right to self-determination.

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