
The benefits of Yoga on your body and mind with K Yoga

Yoga has long been recognized for its benefits to the body and mind. Originally from India, the practice dates back to ancient times and is gaining popularity, to the point where the net is full of courses of all kinds. Focus on one of the most popular Yoga platforms: K Yoga.

A platform born during COVID

The health crisis and subsequent lockdown have provided many with an opportunity to refocus and embark on new practices. Yoga was no exception. It was in this context that Sylvain Charpiot, a confirmed yogi, wanted to share his passion with all those who wanted to rebalance their lives through yoga.

In March 2021, he began offering live classes via Facebook once a day. Quickly, it gathers several hundred fans who follow him daily. At the end of the lockdown, more than 800 people have registered for its sessions and want to continue with it.

Sylvain then decided to create his yoga class platform, K Yoga, for which he was filming from his studio.

For around ten euros a month, Sylvain’s students can therefore take 2 to 3 live lessons a day, which are then available for replay for those who are not available.

K Yoga is also about sharing. Sharing between Sylvain and his students who can ask him any questions they want. And sharing among the students themselves who have created, over time, a real community. In fact, each session begins with a period of exchange between the participants and ends with questions / answers.

And, for those who are hesitant, it is possible to register on the platform and enjoy free live and replay lessons for 15 days.

A comprehensive course catalog

Trained in several yoga techniques, Sylvain Charpiot offers different forms of yoga.

Kundalini Yoga allows to work on the nervous system and the circulation of energies in the body, especially along the spine. It is a good choice for all those who want to lift the blockades they are facing.

Hatha yoga, on the other hand, is a postural yoga that works on the duality of stress/relaxation states. The goal is to create automatisms that occur when people are stressed and tense.

Finally, gravity yoga consists mainly of stretches allowing to develop its flexibility and reflexes. Much more physical, this type of yoga strengthens his body.

This offer is complemented by meditation sessions, mainly in the evening, always live.

With K Yoga, Sylvain has two ambitions: to help his students achieve their goals and to restore his nobility to a practice that, unfortunately, has sometimes been marred by inappropriate behavior on the part of some teachers.

So there is no need to hesitate. With a comfortable outfit, a plaid and a yoga mat, let Sylvain Charpiot guide you through the kindness and professionalism of a K Yoga class.

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