Middle east

Houthi militias force citizens to attend sectarian courses – Details

The Houthi terrorist militia forces citizens, employees of official departments in areas under its control, and members of the illegitimate House of Representatives to attend sectarian courses.

In recent days, militias have intensified their movements in Sanaa, forcing them to attend sectarian evenings and attend tactical courses under the supervision of teachers who belong to the strain of leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in order to solidify the alleged eligibility of the group’s members to rule Yemen, Middle East newspaper quoted informed sources as saying.

A few days ago, the coup group issued instructions to its neighborhood officials and supervisors in three districts of the capital, Sanaa: Maeen, al-Wihda and Azal, to start holding “intellectual and cultural” courses and classes. The first phase targeted neighborhood residents, including young people and children in those directorates.

Militias, as usual, have used mosques and event halls in Sanaa’s neighborhood as venues for their denominational seminars and evenings.

The Houthi group’s supervisors threatened Sanaa residents who were absent without excuse or refusing to participate in intellectual courses to remove their names from household gas records. They also threatened to consider them among the group’s opponents and collaborators with the legitimate government and its coalition of supporters.

A few days ago, a member of Parliament subject to the militias in Sana’a, Ahmed Saif Hashed, revealed that the militias subjected the members of the parliament to intensive mobilization and intellectual courses in Sana’a.

“What does it mean to hold educational sessions for members of parliament in the supervisory authority in Sanaa?” asked Hashed, a human rights activist who opposes the group, in a tweet on almashhad alyemeni website.”.

“This means that the ruling group in Sanaa is the source and owner of all authorities, not the people,” he said. “We want a state for all Yemenis in which the people are the source and owner of all authorities.”

The militias are trying to force the population, using all means available, to embrace the militias’ ideas, which are imbued with violence, hatred, and hatred, and to mobilize them to the battlefields.

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