Middle east

What are the Houthi plans to seize oil in Yemen?

The Houthi terrorist group in Yemen has clear goals of controlling the country, and seeks Yemen’s options from controlling ports to obtaining Yemeni oil.

Despite the fact that the Yemeni people are among the poorest in the world, Yemen has oil riches that may make its people happy. The Houthi group seeks to capture it and sell it internationally, or to terrorist organizations to use it for malicious operations.

The pro-Iran terrorist militia has recently increased its military presence in Yemen and seen new military movements and recruitment.

Security initiatives seek peace

There are many UN initiatives that seek peace in Yemen but are rejected by the Houthi group, and more recently by the UN and Saudi Arabia, which opens the door to war once again.

The Houthi militia is moving to restore the war compass to oil-rich Marib and Abyan governorates with human and combat reinforcements, in conjunction with the launch of air attacks by Iranian-made drones.

The Yemeni army said it shot down a Houthi terrorist militia’s drone as it circled towards military positions on Juba front in southern Marib province. The scene is attributable to a new wave of Houthi military escalation in the oil province.

The terrorist group intensified the construction of tunnels and combat garrisons, with bulldozers developing trenches and barricades, from al-Mushagheh to the Eastern Balkans.

It also carried out a violent attack on southern Yemen in Abyan, but was repelled by southern resistance forces, who broke the attack and inflicted heavy losses in lives, equipment and supplies on a revolutionary front in Abyan province.

Houthi forces have also deployed thousands of mines in Yemeni cities, where the Houthi militia has laid mines since its coup in late 2014, in areas where fighters from the Iranian-backed Houthi militia and internationally recognized Yemeni forces have been battling each other.

Taking over the wealth of southern Yemen

According to the Yemeni political analyst, Waddah Attiya, and member of the Southern National Authority, the leaders of Houthi and other Yemeni ruling gangs are seeking to capture the wealth of the south since the occupation of the south in 1994. Some oil fields in the Hadramaut Valley are still in the hands of powerful Yemeni gangs, and more recently the control of the southern forces on most of the provinces and regions of the south. The stranglehold on the dominant Yemeni gangs has intensified. This is why the Houthi threatens to bombard oil installations in the south.

“The southern oil minister in the Yemeni government of al-Mansaf does not yet know how many oil sectors and does not know the exact amount of production because powerful gangs control a number of sectors,” Attiya said.

He continued: The southerners decided to drive the remaining gangs out of the Hadramaut valley, which is protected by a number of military battalions from the north. Recently, all the people of Hadramaut made the decision to expel the invaders from their land and replace them with the Hadrami elite forces.

“It seems that the Houthi will control the oil and gas fields in Marib after the ruling Brotherhood leadership in Marib sent forces to the Hadramawt Valley to invade the south a fourth time and left Marib unprotected,” Attiya said.

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