Middle east

Yemeni analyst: Houthi terrorist centers for children are part of plans to control the country

Numerous warnings of crimes committed by the Huthi terrorist militia, which is brainwashing children, consolidating the culture of society and re-separating it culturally through the so-called summer centers in areas under its control, through the content of the curricula taught by the Houthi Group for Yemeni children at the summer centers. These curricula sanctify death and perpetuate the culture of violence and hatred within society.


The Houthi terrorist militia is brainwashing children, establishing a culture of society and re-separating them culturally through so-called summer centers in areas under its control, Roaya reported.

International warning

A US human rights report said that the content of the curricula taught by the Houthi Group for Yemeni children in summer centers sanctifies death and perpetuates a culture of violence and hatred within society.

The U.S. Center for Justice (ACJ), in a report titled “The Violent and Hate Industry,” said: “The content of the curriculum taught by the Houthi Children’s Group at the summer centers, and the vocabulary and teachings they include, enshrine a culture of violence, sanctify death, call for violence, hate, and societal segregation.”

Summer centers

Yemeni researcher and activist Abdul Sattar Al-Shamiri says that the strategic educational and cultural process taking place at the Houthi summer centers is part of the plans and programs to control the country, and the Houthi group seeks to achieve through the summer centers and work on creating violence and hatred.

The Yemeni analyst added: “The delay in ending the Houthi coup contributes to raising a new generation with new, non-nationalist visions and the establishment of a different culture for the state, society, life, death, governance, equality and justice. The continuation of the coup will make the generation that emerged under the state and the republic subject to this culture because of the power of giving and reparation possessed by the Houthi group.”

The Houthi group’s targeting of the educational process is an attempt to promote a culture of society with a common whole devoid of knowledge and science, invocate the traditional social structure based on social hierarchies, grant the right to rule and control under this arrangement to a specific strain, and restore Yemeni society to pre-revolution times, he said.

Revenge Policy

He said the Houthi group uses the summer centers to instill sectarian tension and instill a policy of revenge in order to achieve its political, ideological and military goals by supplying its fighters with the students who are enrolled in those centers, as well as encouraging them to take part in events related to the group.

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