
Iran issues an execution order amid tension in the region

The Iranian judiciary executes four individuals by hanging, convicting them of espionage for Israel, less than two weeks after a man was executed for similar reasons

The Iranian judiciary announced on Friday the execution of four individuals by hanging for their conviction of spying for Israel, less than two weeks after the execution of a man for similar reasons. The charges of espionage are now a ready-made accusation against all forces opposing the Tehran regime.

The Mizan Online website, affiliated with the judicial authority, stated that ‘four members of a sabotage group linked to the Zionist regime (Israel) were executed this morning’ in West Azerbaijan Province, northwest Iran. It clarified that three men – Vafa Honarh, Aram Omri, and Rahman Barhazou – and a woman named Nassim Namazi were all sentenced to death on charges of ‘fighting’ or waging war against Allah and ‘corruption on earth’ by ‘collaborating with the Zionist regime.’ Mizan added that the group ‘committed wide-ranging acts against the country’s security on the orders of the Mossad.’

On December 16, a religious man was also executed for working for the Mossad in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province. The judiciary did not identify the man at the time, but it said he was charged with ‘intelligence cooperation and espionage for the hostile Zionist regime.’

In December, the Islamic Republic executed four other individuals accused of cooperating with Israeli intelligence agencies. Tehran accuses Israel of carrying out a wave of sabotage attacks and assassinations linked to its nuclear program, with several Iranian scientists assassinated, including Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, targeted in a shooting in Tehran.

Human rights advocacy groups, including Amnesty International, state that Iran ranks second globally after China in terms of executed death sentences. Death sentences have increased recently against the backdrop of Iranian Revolutionary Guard officials being targeted in assassination operations in Syria, such as the Israeli airstrike that targeted Rida Musawi.

The Israeli Mossad has warned multiple times about the repercussions of Iran’s ongoing attempts to target Israelis. The head of the most dangerous intelligence agency in the region, David Barnea, stated that his country would not hesitate to respond with the assassination of Iranian leaders.

In turn, Iranian intelligence has sought to target Israeli interests in the region through assassinating Israeli citizens and targeting ships owned by Israeli businessmen in waterways using drones.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza adds to the tension between Iran and Israel, with mutual threats of retaliatory operations. Observers believe that Iran is reviving the use of death sentences amid tensions with the West and attempts to impose more sanctions on Tehran and its allies in the region.

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