Middle east

The Houthis plan to obliterate the identity of the old city of Sanaa… and UNESCO intervenes

While the Houthi militias, who control the kidnapped Yemeni capital Sanaa, seek to alter its historical landmarks, plunder its heritage, and change the lifestyle in it, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has intervened to halt a plan implemented by the militias. This plan, an arm of Iran in Yemen, aims to change the features of the Bab al-Yemen area, the main entrance to the old city of Sanaa.

The Middle East newspaper quoted local sources as saying that UNESCO had strongly objected to the plan to change the features of the Bab al-Yemen area, considering it in violation of the rules for preserving World Heritage sites, of which old Sanaa is one. The organization directed the authorities in Sanaa to stop the plan, stating that the designs published are outdated and do not align with the architectural character of the city.

The sources added that the Historical Cities Preservation Authority pledged to UNESCO to adhere to the standards set by the international organization for restoring human heritage sites. They assured that they would preserve the site as it is, using the same materials it was built with, without any inscriptions or designs that contradict the architectural style of the gate and the old city.

However, cultural sources believe that this stance might be an attempt to manipulate and absorb popular and official anger towards the plan. They emphasized that there are no guarantees or approvals from the authority of the capital, appointed by the Houthis. Therefore, the position of the Historical Cities Preservation Authority does not reflect the official stance of the group that has dominated the capital since its invasion in the second half of 2014.

The new design for Bab al-Yemen obscures its ancient archaeological identity, which means excluding the old city of Sanaa from the list of World Heritage sites.

Yemeni engineers argue that any design aimed at concealing or altering details of landmarks constitutes an erasure of the historical identity of the site. This is in addition to the aesthetic value of the original design of Bab al-Yemen, which only requires restoration and improvement of the surrounding environment without making any changes to the features of the place.

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