
Forecasts of a surge in ISIS attacks… UN warning

The United Nations’ special envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, warned the Security Council that the threat of terrorism is re-emerging, with forecasts predicting a doubling of ISIS attacks this year.

Pedersen confirmed in a statement reported by Agence France-Presse that the resurgence of the organization endangers the lives of civilians, particularly those experiencing prolonged displacement and dire humanitarian conditions.

He added that Syria is rife with armed factions, terrorist groups, foreign armies, and frontlines, after thirteen years of war.

Pedersen warned the Security Council about the delicate security situation in Syria, stating that the threat of regional conflict in Syria has not diminished, especially with the escalating Israeli airstrikes.

He also emphasized that the Syrian conflict is ultimately a political conflict, which can only be resolved when the Syrian parties are able to achieve their legitimate aspirations, according to his statement.

The UN envoy pointed out that approximately half a million people have lost their lives in the conflict, and half of the country’s pre-war population of 23 million has been displaced.

Pedersen urged the Security Council to continue peace negotiations on Syria with the participation of key international actors, in line with the resolution unanimously adopted by the Security Council in 2015.

It is worth noting that ISIS had declared the establishment of what it called the “caliphate” over a vast area of Syrian and Iraqi territories it had seized in 2014.

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