
Love Before Power: This Woman Said “No” to Obama

She didn’t have real faith in the future of their relationship, so she rejected him multiple times, until he finally accepted the inevitability of their separation and moved on.

Barack Obama, the former U.S. president, whom many believe that his wife Michelle was his first love, met in his early youth a “white girl,” whom he loved and wanted to marry, but she turned him down.

It’s a story that wasn’t well-known, but what’s surprising is that Obama maintained his relationship with Sheila Miyoshi Jager until the first year of his acquaintance with his wife Michelle.

A few years ago, the British newspaper “Daily Mail” revealed that Obama had previously proposed twice to his beloved, but first faced harsh rejection from her family due to her young age, and then she herself rejected him, claiming she didn’t see a future for their relationship.

The story took place in the mid-1980s in the state of Chicago, where this girl captivated him with her calm and simple beauty, and later their relationship developed.

But in reality, according to what the newspaper reported from the book “Rising Star” by biographer David Garrow, who played a significant role in Obama’s formative years, it’s not clear how much Sheila loved Obama.

It’s certain that she liked him, but it seems that her feelings weren’t serious enough or perhaps mature enough to move forward with him and say “yes” when he proposed.

This happened during a visit he made to her parents in the winter of 1986, but her parents expressed strange concerns about his proposal and rejected it, citing that their daughter was “still too young” to marry, even though she was 23, while he was 25.

This rejection left a deep resentment in Obama, possibly reaching the level of shock, as at that moment and at that tender age, it seemed like all his dreams had collapsed in front of his eyes.

But that young man, filled with strong ambition, quickly regained his “strength” by 1987, when his focus shifted to his future, and his dream of reaching the White House began to take shape in all his senses.

However, over time, he felt that he was still in love with his beloved, and as he moved to Harvard University, their relationship was on the brink, yet he wasn’t ready to let her go.

He gathered his courage and proposed to her a second time, and didn’t stop there, he also asked her to move with him to Harvard.

But she rejected his proposal a second time, telling him she didn’t have real faith in the future of their relationship, thus extinguishing the last hope within him.

Indeed, Obama completely separated from her during that period and moved to law school, where he met Michelle and began a relationship that culminated in marriage in 1992.

Garrow says that Obama later returned to contact his first love, and they continued to communicate until the first year of his relationship with Michelle.

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