Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood Senses Danger… The U.S. Tries to Introduce a New Player in Yemen

The (Al-Islah) party, “the Muslim Brotherhood‘s branch in Yemen,” has launched a scathing attack on the family of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, claiming that the United States is maneuvering to return his eldest son, Ahmed. to power after lifting international sanctions and allowing his family access to frozen funds in banks.

Tawakkol Karman, a member of the Consultative Council (Al-Islah), alleged that media outlets affiliated with former Ambassador Ahmed Ali are attempting to reintroduce him to the political scene through humanitarian work. by announcing that he has directed the Al-Saleh Social Development Foundation, “the intelligence arm of Saleh’s regime,” to provide aid to flood victims in Hodeidah, according to (Al-Youm Al-Sabea) website.

Karman, who resides in Turkey, wrote in a post on her (Facebook) page: “There is no longer a relief problem in Tihama, as Ahmed Ali has directed the Al-Saleh Foundation to save it!”.

This comes after a resistance leader revealed developments regarding U.S. maneuvers to return former Ambassador Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh to Aden.

A confirmation came from the United Kingdom that the U.S. is making arrangements with the Arab coalition to bring Saleh’s son back to Aden.

In late July, the United Nations Security Council’s Sanctions Committee removed the names of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his son Ahmed from the list of sanctioned individuals, after more than nine years of these sanctions being imposed on them.

Ahmed Ali faces accusations from local and international human rights organizations, including the American organization (Human Rights Watch). of involvement in serious violations of international humanitarian law and international criminal law during the crackdown by his forces, the “Republican Guard,” on the youth revolution on February 11, 2011, as well as crimes committed by his forces during their invasion. alongside the Houthis, of Aden and southern cities in 2015.

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