
Man Sentenced to Six Years for Faking His Death to Avoid Child Support Payments

A man from Kentucky, USA, has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for hacking into the state’s death registry and faking his own death in a “desperate” attempt to avoid paying child support.

According to The Independent, Jesse Keipf, 38, was sentenced to 81 months in prison on Monday after pleading guilty.

The U.S. Department of Justice stated that Keipf gained access to Hawaii’s death registration system by using a stolen username and password belonging to a doctor living in another state.

Once he gained access to the system, he created a “file” for his death by forging a Hawaii death certificate worksheet. Keipf appointed himself as the medical verifier in the case and confirmed his death using the doctor’s digital signature, thereby registering himself as deceased in multiple government databases.

Keipf admitted to faking his death “partly to avoid his financial obligations related to child support.” He also confessed to hacking into death registration systems in other states, as well as private business networks, government networks, and corporations, using stolen credentials from real individuals.

According to the prosecution, Keipf’s failure to pay child support and the damages he caused to government and corporate computer systems amounted to a total of over $195,000.

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