
“A Swedish Secret” for Raising Happy and Strong Children

Parents put in a lot of effort to make their children happy, strong, smart, and stable. If you are looking for that, Scandinavian Nordic countries are often ranked among the happiest in the world. Here’s a 164-year-old Swedish concept that anyone can easily adopt to raise happy children, according to “Times of India.”

Outdoor Time

To ensure your child spends a lot of time in nature, it’s important to schedule outdoor time. Since we live in a time with many indoor distractions, like television, mobile phones, or lying on the couch, it’s essential to set aside time to be outdoors with your child, preferably in a park. This will ensure they spend some time in nature every day. In Swedish culture, morning and evening walks are considered sacred, and scheduling such outings with your child can provide a great bonding experience while spending time in nature.

Start Where You Are

You don’t have to go camping in the forest to help your children connect with nature, because “the golden rule is to use what you have and do what you can without extra effort.” Start by encouraging your child to appreciate the nature around you, like birds, flowers, bright leaves, butterflies, squirrels, and trees.

Don’t Let the Weather Ruin Your Day

Weather changes can get in the way and make it difficult for you to schedule outdoor time for your child. However, unless the weather is dangerous, like toxic air pollution, you can always find ways to adapt. Make sure your child stays warm in cold weather while enjoying the fresh air. During the rainy season, while most parents ask their children to run indoors, sometimes you have to let your child enjoy the rain, or perhaps wear a raincoat or carry an umbrella.

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