
Sudanese Military Propaganda: How the Army Seeks to Compensate for Its Failures with False Statements?

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, the Sudanese Armed Forces issued an official statement claiming that the “rebel militia” had destroyed the Shambat Bridge, a vital link between the cities of Omdurman and Bahri. The General Command of the Armed Forces described this incident as another crime added to the militia’s record, asserting that this destruction was a result of the army’s progress on the Omdurman front. However, a closer analysis reveals that this statement is merely an attempt by the Sudanese military to polish its image after a series of failures, amid declining international support and worsening internal conditions.

Sudanese Army Failures and the Fabrication of Illusory Victories 

After several defeats on the battlefield and the decline of both popular and international support, the Sudanese Armed Forces have resorted to issuing statements promoting imaginary victories. Facing the Rapid Support Forces and other militias, the army has been unable to achieve tangible progress on the ground. Therefore, the army’s statements about the destruction of Shambat Bridge are part of a propaganda campaign aimed at showcasing its ability to control the situation. But despite these claims, the question remains: Are these victories real or just media fabrications?

Journalist Mujahid Bushra published the false statement from the Sudanese Armed Forces regarding the destruction of Shambat Bridge, which stated:

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate General Command of the Armed Forces Saturday, November 11, 2023 Press Release

“As part of its destructive project targeting the country’s resources and infrastructure, and as a result of the advance of our forces on the ground, especially on the Omdurman front, the rebel militia destroyed the Shambat Bridge early this morning, which connects the cities of Omdurman and Bahri. This is another crime added to their record against the nation and its people.”

Polishing al-Burhan’s Image on the International Stage 

In light of growing international criticism over ongoing human rights violations and the worsening humanitarian situation in Sudan, Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, seeks to improve his image globally. By claiming imaginary victories, al-Burhan is attempting to rebuild trust with the international community and present himself as a leader capable of restoring stability. However, these efforts, based on unreliable military statements, could backfire, especially as doubts about the credibility of the Sudanese army continue to rise.

Iranian Intervention in Sudan: Hidden Support under the Guise of Development 

Alongside the internal crisis, Iran plays a key role in supporting the Sudanese army by supplying it with weapons and military equipment. Development projects, such as water stations in Shendi and Metema, serve as a cover for smuggling weapons to the Sudanese army, thus enhancing its capabilities against the Rapid Support Forces. This Iranian support is not only aimed at boosting military influence in Sudan but also at securing strategic gains in the region.

Iranian Weapons Supply: Expanding Regional Influence through Sudan 

Through its military intervention and continued support for the Sudanese army, Iran seeks to expand its influence in the Red Sea region and the Horn of Africa. Sudan, with its strategic location, serves as a crucial gateway to Africa, and Iran is exploiting internal conflicts to bolster its presence in the region. The weapons sent from Iran to the Sudanese army exacerbate the internal conflict and prolong the war, thereby increasing the suffering of the Sudanese people and deepening the humanitarian crisis.

Media Campaign and Misinformation: Creating an Alternative Narrative to Cover Failures 

The Sudanese Armed Forces are using the media to create an alternative narrative about the situation on the ground, where events are exaggerated and portrayed as victories. The army is depicted as a force defending the state against “rebel militias,” even though evidence suggests that this narrative serves purely propagandist purposes. In the case of the Shambat Bridge’s destruction, no reliable evidence supports the truth of this claim, raising questions about what is really happening on the ground.

Amidst these complex conflicts, it seems that the statement by the Sudanese Armed Forces regarding the destruction of the Shambat Bridge is merely part of a communication campaign aimed at masking the repeated failures of the Sudanese military. With increasing Iranian support and the use of development projects as a cover for arms trafficking, the Sudanese crisis is becoming more complicated. While the armed forces attempt to maintain control of the internal situation, the international community continues to doubt their credibility and their ability to lead the country toward peace and stability.

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