
Rescue of a Woman Trapped for 7 Hours between Two Rocks Due to Her Phone

Australian emergency teams rescued a woman who was trapped between two massive rocks for seven hours after attempting to retrieve her phone.

According to the Daily Mail, emergency services were called to the Hunter Valley area in New South Wales following reports of a woman stuck between two rocks.

The woman had tried to retrieve her phone from between the rocks but slipped and fell into a three-meter-deep crevice, hanging upside down.

Her friends spent about an hour attempting to rescue her, but eventually, they called for help.

Rescue teams began by constructing a sturdy wooden frame around the area before embarking on the arduous task of removing the rocks.

Photos showed the woman’s feet dangling upside down inside the dark crevice. She was trapped in a narrow, S-shaped passage, making it difficult to lift her out. Rescuers spent over an hour trying to navigate through the tight space to save her life.

Before they could extract her, they used a special winch to move a massive 500-kilogram rock.

The lead rescuer said: “In my ten years as a rescue paramedic, I’ve never encountered a job like this. It was challenging, but incredibly rewarding.”

The New South Wales Ambulance service reported that the woman was safely freed after seven hours, suffering only minor scratches and bruises, but without her phone.

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