
The Yemeni brothers gather at the gates of Aden…Turkish missile launcher and “drone”

In a nature reserve about 90 kilometers from Aden, the Yemen brothers have built a military base for Turkish missile launchers and drones.

A mobilization at the gates of the city in southern Yemen pushes Yemeni experts and military leaders to warn of the dangers of a new confrontation, which the terrorist organization is pushing towards Aden, the south, Bab al-Mandeb and Mocha.

The brotherhood comes together in different axes, aiming – in the eyes of observers – to serve the Turkish agenda and the ambitions of the caliphate for which the organization is preparing at the international level.

In separate statements to Al-Ain Al-Akhbar, the military leaders called on the Arab coalition and the legitimate government to take a firm stand to protect the “Riyadh Accord” and block the way for those who aim to thwart them internationally recognized agreements and complete the implementation of the agreement.


Members of the Brotherhood continue to flow to the southern border areas, and the construction of combat sites in areas of contact with the south and joint forces between Taiz and the towns of the west coast, to arrive during the last two days the geography of Lahij province north gate of Aden.

The Yemeni brothers have returned to open a new front towards Aden from Taiz, whose terrorist organization controls all joints of military and security forces in the liberated areas of the governorate, after the implementation of the “Riyadh Accord” and foiling their bloody attack in Shuqrah in Abyan Governorate, the eastern gateway to the provisional capital.

The Brotherhood officially launched a new military axis under the name of “Tor Al-Baha”, which had already angered several Yemeni parties, through propaganda and a hostile military parade in the northern part of Lahij governorate, which is an axis without legal status and a presidential decree has not been announced, according to military sources.

This military axis is led by a former correspondent of the newspaper Al-Sahwa, the spokesperson for the Islah Party (the political arm of the Yemeni Brotherhood), a leader of the Brotherhood who obtained the rank of “colonel” in 2017, a year after joining the army, and then he was appointed commander of the Fourth Mountain Infantry Brigade.

The escalation was not just on the ground, as the Taiz Brotherhood’s Axis spokesman Colonel Abdul Basit Al-Bahr sent a veiled threatening message to legitimacy and alliance, questioning the efforts to implement the Riyadh Accord and promoting accusations, in a blatant media escalation.

Meanwhile, Yassin Aktay, adviser to the Turkish president, launched a similar media attack on southern forces and countries supporting the internationally recognized government, with clear reference to the coordinated messages between Ankara and Taiz.

For its part, the Yemeni government issued a stern warning to the authorities in Taiz, calling on them to change “the methodology of their work locally, militarily and on the security front,” in a message that implicated the government’s discontent in the face of the freezing of the fighting fronts with the Houthis and the Brotherhood indulge in the tragedies of the siege as the city has become a place of regional threat management, the first of which is Ankara’s agenda.

Axes and dozens of brigades

Sources, including a senior military official, told Al-Ain Al-Akhbar that the Brotherhood organization is currently preparing a military force from 3 military axes, including the “Brigades of Muslim Brotherhood leader Hammoud Al- Mikhlafi “in Al-Hajriyah, and the” Tor Al-Baha Brigades “in Al-Maqatara and Tor Al-Baha, and the” Ax Taiz “brigades Under the control of the Islah party and stationed in the city.

The sources pointed out that the “Tur al-Baha axis” was formed from the “Fourth Mountain Infantry Brigade” led by the Muslim Brotherhood Abu Bakr al-Jabbouli and the “Komb Brigade”, and the “Air base” in the mountain of the “Irf” reserve overlooking the coastal road connecting Aden and Bab al-Mandeb and reaching up to 1500 meters above sea level.

They confirmed that the Brotherhood militia had started converting the rare tree reserve into a base for Turkey-made missiles and drones, which recently entered the organization’s military arsenal, and the Brotherhood media acknowledged this in light of the coverage of the movements of the leader of the newly created Tor al-Baha axis, Abu Bakr al-Jiboli.

As for the militias led by Hammoud Al-Mikhlafi, they started with Turkish support recently forming the second axis.

According to the same sources, the phase of the training camp is finished, and it is framed in 5 military brigades: the Hamza brigades, the Yves brigade, the fifth support and support brigade, the third support and support brigade and air defense. Brigade, which is the pillars of his war are led by al-Mikhlafi’s eldest son, “Hamza”, and is located northwest of Taiz, while the rest of the brigades are geographically dispersed in strategic directions “Al -Hajaria “.

While the third axis consists of the Taiz brigades and includes: 22 Mecas – 17 infantry – 145 infantry – Military police – the fifth brigade, the presidential guard, in addition to the popular mobilization militia and security sector formations.

Meanwhile, the “35th Armored Brigade” is still outside the Brotherhood’s brigades, despite the appointment of a loyal leader as leader, as well as “special security” forces, formed from the start away from the hands of the Brotherhood terrorist organization.

Intersection of projects

Military experts called on the government of Yemen and the Arab coalition to act urgently to stop the mobilization of the Brotherhood and intersect with Turkish and Iranian plans to invade the south and the west coast through Brotherhood and Houthi militias.

According to the military expert, Brigadier General Faisal Halboub, the government is asking more than ever to normalize the situation in the liberated areas, to put pressure on the Islah party to respect the provisions of the Riyadh agreement, to put an end to the threat and prevent the crowds on the outskirts of Lahij and Al-Sabiha governorates, near the districts of Bab al-Mandeb, Tor al-Baha and Abyan al-Sharqiya from Qarn Al-Kallasi and Shuqrah to Ahwar and Al-Mahfad in Abyan Governorate.

He pointed out that the Brotherhood always evades the implementation of the terms of the agreement, and that they did not completely withdraw from Shuqrah, Al-Kallasi and Al-Arqoub, but rather pushed reinforcements with more than one military brigade that came from Ma’rib, Shabwa and Seiyun.

Halboub warned of the danger of crowds coming from the direction of Taiz and the Brotherhood’s recruitment of thousands of young men and fighters, as part of a plan to burn Aden, blocking the route of the forces of the giants from the south to the west coast, besieging and making it easy prey for the Houthi militia.

Illegal entities

Yemeni Army Fourth Military Region spokesperson Captain Muhammad al-Naqib said the formation of military entities affiliated with the Brotherhood terrorist organization was illegal and took advantage of the concern of joint forces to confront Al-Houthi on the west coast fronts, Lahij and Al-Dhale to intensify their hostilities against Aden and the South.

The captain confirmed that no military decision had been taken on the axis of the Tor al-Baha Brotherhood, as was the Fourth Infantry Brigade led by al-Jubouli, and since its inception it has been is employed to fight the camp forces against the Houthi coup, a militia, such as the Popular Mobilization Forces, one of the Brotherhood’s military wings, and the Mikhlafi militia which includes extremist jihadists.

He explained that this hostility started with the signing of the Riyadh Accord in an attempt to thwart it, but that after the implementation, especially in the military and political sides, the militias decided to come together under a new banner called the “Tur Al-Baha” axis and the construction of combat sites for the coup against the consensus.

Regarding the plan of attack of these militias, the military spokesman indicated that they would extend their influence on the Arab and Red Seas and control Bab al-Mandeb, “which is the Turkish agenda on which we have always put ourselves on guard because they work to deflect the battle for the legitimacy of the Houthi clash and the liberation of the liberator. “

He pointed out that a military road has been built connecting Al-Hajriya and Al-Maqatara and encircling the towns of the Al-Sabiha tribes, and reaching the coast on the Gulf of Aden coinciding with plans to dismantle and distort efforts security in Liberated Al – Baha Phase, to be implemented under various pretexts in the Al-Sabiha tribal community, which has confirmed, in various ways, its sheikhs, alongside the southern resistance, and raising its high availability in the fight to face this agenda.

The captain indicated that the forces of the south were ready to face the terrorist mobilization and thwart all their plans, calling on the coalition to take a firm and swift position to curb the movements of the Brothers who are implementing the Ankara program in Yemen.

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